User Comments - taylorarmstrong168
Posted on: Blackout
August 12, 2015, 02:52 AM我以前住在宿舍时经常被停电,不是因为自然的原因,而是我彻底忘记充电费。我住在武汉,中国大火炉之一,所以停电的话,就很糟糕没有空调!另外大部分时是半夜发生了,所以没有办法充电费,这样一来,我只好睡着出汗,讨厌!
Posted on: Introduce Your Name Like a Native
July 17, 2015, 10:36 AMThe girlfriend doesn't like my self-given name of 雷虎。So, normally I go by my directly translated english name,泰勒。I was hoping you could give some suggestion about the former, if the girlfriend is not around I secretly use it.
Posted on: We Got Skills: 技能,技术,技巧
May 11, 2015, 04:16 AMCan you add a caption button where you could choose simplified or traditional, similar to youtube videos.
Posted on: Turn the Bloody Lights OFF!
April 01, 2015, 07:15 AMi always hear 搞什么鬼, what is he/she up to or what is he doing! Is this translation correct?
Posted on: 人间蒸发
March 30, 2015, 06:22 AMMEN pay attention, 人家, please do not use this word at freewill. I used it once and the chinese person immediately started laughing at me. Girls like to refer to themselves using 人家, excpecially when they are 撒娇ing. "人家真讨厌“
Posted on: That's Not Literature!
March 24, 2015, 02:45 AM为了超级好的课感谢你们,但想问一个问题。后面你们推荐一本书了,它的名字我听得不清楚。生词下部有一部分,白话文什么什么,但是不是它完全的名字。
Posted on: Is Home Cooking Safer?
March 21, 2015, 03:20 PM常在外面吃,最喜欢的事热干面,湖北武汉的特色。
Posted on: 平行宇宙
March 12, 2015, 12:26 PMAwesome Lesson CPod, and I am sure "my other dimensional self" enjoyed it as well.
Posted on: Christmas Present Trouble
December 19, 2014, 07:10 AMLiving in china, there are two things I have discovered concerning Christmas in China. First, Christmas is just for giving ones' girlfriend presents, normally, the women do not recipricate. Second, a new phenomeom has become popular recently, men giving their girlfriend an "Apple" Phone on Christmas Eve. This of course stemming from the Chinese custom of giving apples to one another during this time. However, the girls are not satisfied with "just" apples anymore. My thoughts on these matters is, I truely feel sorry for Chinese Men!!
Posted on: Advertisements These Days!
September 29, 2015, 05:39 AM中国最“有意义”的广告,就是成龙(jackie chan)洗发水的。