厚积薄发 (厚積薄發)
hòu jī bó fā


厚积薄发 (厚積薄發)
hòu jī bó fā
  1. lit. to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly (idiom)
  2. good preparation is the key to success
  3. to be well prepared

Related Words (20)

  1. 1 thick
  2. 2 deep or profound
  3. 3 kind
  4. 4 generous
  5. 5 rich or strong in flavor
  6. 6 to favor
  7. 7 to stress
wēi bó
  1. 1 scanty
  2. 2 meager
  1. 1 surname Bo
fēng hòu
  1. 1 generous
  2. 2 ample
kè bó
  1. 1 unkind
  2. 2 harsh
  3. 3 cutting
  4. 4 mean
  5. 5 acrimony
  6. 6 to embezzle by making illegal deductions

Idioms (20)

kè bó guǎ ēn
  1. 1 harsh and merciless (idiom)
hòu gǔ bó jīn
  1. 1 to revere the past and neglect the present (idiom)
hòu dé zài wù
  1. 1 with great virtue one can take charge of the world (idiom)
hòu sǐ bó shēng
  1. 1 lit. to praise the dead and revile the living
  2. 2 fig. to live in the past (idiom)
hòu jī bó fā
  1. 1 lit. to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly (idiom)
  2. 2 good preparation is the key to success
  3. 3 to be well prepared