shàng tiān


shàng tiān
  1. Heaven
  2. Providence
  3. God
  4. the day before
  5. the sky above
  6. to fly to the sky
  7. to take off and fly into space
  8. to die
  9. to pass away

Character Decomposition

Related Words (20)

shàng bān
  1. 1 to go to work
  2. 2 to be on duty
  3. 3 to start work
  4. 4 to go to the office
jīn tiān
  1. 1 today
  2. 2 at the present
  3. 3 now
  1. 1 day
  2. 2 sky
  3. 3 heaven
tiān xià
  1. 1 land under heaven
  2. 2 the whole world
  3. 3 the whole of China
  4. 4 realm
  5. 5 rule

Idioms (20)

yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēng tiān
  1. 1 lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to ride on sb else's success
  3. 3 Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too
  4. 4 Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it
yī ge tiān nán , yī ge dì běi
  1. 1 to live miles apart (idiom)
yī kū èr nào sān shàng diào
  1. 1 to make a terrible scene (idiom)
  2. 2 to throw a tantrum
yī zhù qíng tiān
  1. 1 lit. to support the sky as a single pillar (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to take a crucial responsibility upon one's shoulders
yī tiáo shéng shàng de mà zha
  1. 1 lit. grasshoppers tied together with a piece of string (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. people who are in it together for better or worse
  3. 3 people who will sink or swim together

Sample Sentences

qíqiú shàngtiān yǒu hàoshēngzhīdé ,tāmen dōu néng ānránwúyàng ,zǎorì huídào fùmǔ shēnbiān 。
Let’s pray Heaven have mercy on them and they will be able to return safely to their parents as soon as possible.
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èi èi !!yī zhī jiǎo kuà chūlái le !hēihēi !wǒ shì Lǐ yuán ā ,gūniang !měinǚ !bié chōngdòng ,tiào xiàlái ,qīkǒngliúxiě 、quánshēn hēiqīng ,gútou suì chéng lànní ,báibái làngfèi le shàngtiān gěi nǐ de piàoliang liǎndàn ā !
Agh! She's put one foot out! Hey hey! This is Li Yuan, young lady! Beautiful! Don't do anything impulsive. If you jump, you'll bleed from every orifice and your whole body will be covered in bruises and your bones will be smashed to mush. What a waste for the beautiful face the heavens gave you!
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zhídào nǐ chūshēng hòu ,yōngbào zhe nǐ de nà yīkè ,wǒ cái zhēnzhèng gǎnshòu dào ,shàngtiān cìyǔ wǒ de zhè fèn tèbié de lǐwù 。
It was not until you were born and I took you in my arms that I really felt that this was a special gift from God.
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méicuò ,méicuò 。zhōngguórén shuō de lóng dàbùfen shì jīnsè de ,yǒu zhe luòtuo de tóu ,lù de jiǎo ,tùzi de yǎnjing ,niú de ěrduo ,shé de bózi hé shēntǐ ,yú de línpiàn ,lǎohǔ de jiǎozhǎng hé yīng de zhuǎzi 。suīrán shēnshang méiyǒu chìbǎng ,kěshì yě huì fēi ,néng shàngtiānxiàhǎi ,hái néng biànchéng gèzhǒng yàngzi ,shì zhōngguógǔdàishénhuà zhōng jùyǒu chāonénglì de shēngwù ,dàduōshùshíhou dàibiǎo zhe jíxiáng 。
That's right. Chinese dragons are generally golden, with the head of a camel, the body of a deer, the eyes of a rabbit, the ears of a bull, the neck and body of a snake, the scales of a fish, the paws of a tiger and an eagle's claws. Although it doesn't have wings, it can fly. It can also go undersea, and can change its appearance. It's a super-powerful creature in ancient myths. Usually, it represents good fortune.
哈哈,你学得还真像。其实不难看出《武林外传》最成功的地方就是把现代的语言和文化融进古代的戏剧背景中。主人公们置身于古代场景,穿着古代服饰,却完全带上了现代人的思维方式和语言风格,这种反差就是最好的笑料。另外,拿经典开涮也给这部电视剧增色不少。你记得“如果上天能给我最后一次机会,我会对李大嘴说3个字:少放盐!” 这句话吗?真是绝啊。大家乍一听还以为在看周星驰的电影呢,没想到最后居然冒出这么一句话,让人不笑都不行。
hāhā ,nǐ xué de hái zhēn xiàng 。qíshí bù nán kàn chū 《Wǔlín wàizhuàn 》zuì chénggōng de dìfang jiùshì bǎ xiàndài de yǔyán hé wénhuà róng jìn gǔdài de xìjù bèijǐng zhōng 。zhǔréngōngmen zhìshēn yú gǔdài chǎngjǐng ,chuān zhe gǔdài fúshì ,què wánquán dài shàng le xiàndàirén de sīwéi fāngshì hé yǔyán fēnggé ,zhèzhǒng fǎnchā jiùshì zuìhǎo de xiàoliào 。lìngwài ,ná jīngdiǎn kāishuàn yě gěi zhè bù diànshìjù zēngsè bùshǎo 。nǐ jìde “rúguǒ shàngtiān néng gěi wǒ zuìhòu yīcì jīhuì ,wǒ huì duì Lǐ Dàzuǐ shuō sān ge zì :shǎo fàng yán !” zhè jù huà ma ?zhēnshì jué ā 。dàjiā zhà yī tīng hái yǐwéi zài kàn Zhōu Xīngchí de diànyǐng ne ,méixiǎngdào zuìhòu jūrán màochū zhème yī jù huà ,ràng rén bù xiào dōu bùxíng 。