Saw this on a car bumper
July 08, 2010, 08:15 AM posted in I Have a QuestionI have seen a car around with some hanzi on its bumper and today I saw it long enough to write it down.
Putting this in MDBG gave me a meaning I'm not sure of so I wonder if it may be Japanese rather than Chinese (the car was a Subaru). Can anyone shed any light.
Oh and for those that look it up in mdbg the driver was male ;-)

July 08, 2010, 01:28 PM无畏贱人 fearless bitch

kimiik />
贱人 [jiànrén]
1. 1. [Old-fashioned] [Offensive] slut; bitch
2. 2. wretch



Yeah thats pretty much what I got from MDBG, but it is the kind of car associated with a Man and driven by one, 他不是中国人. A big guy too, the kind I'd give my wallet to if he asked for it ;-)
Of course that assumes the driver knows what it means and is not just swayed by some pretty looking chinese characters!!! It also assumes that the guy is not the cars owners other half.
If not and its just pretty chars then every chinese person looking at this (plus me now) is laughing their socks off. It could only have been better if it was a tattoo......
July 08, 2010, 01:55 PMPeople in mainland China seldom use traditional chinese character

In England its very much the other way. Most times I see Hanzi they are traditional ones. I suspect this is because initial Chinese immigration was from Hong Kong (being a British enclave at the time) and thus a tendency towards traditional characters.

Definitely. Sometimes I really think I should be learning Cantonese instead :-p

Today my wife gave me a bit of paper. She's just been summoned for jury service and she'd saved the bit explaining it in Chinese.
All written in traditional characters..... no sign of simplified at all.
July 08, 2010, 01:12 PMtrevorb,
{like the new avatar btw]. The 人 throws me a little,but otherwise I would have though the gist of it was ...not to worry inexpensive...{person ?...does it really mean car] ...I guess I can't help but feel like it's an invitation to have a ding,hehe or at least would be very understanding in a crash[ at least in that situation you could say that that was your understanding]. Wonder what their insurance policy is. But seriously, was the car otherwise advertising something?..and they were saying not to worry ,their services are cheap? btw yeah, I see what you mean by the mdbg translation. That can't be where they're coming from.