December 07, 2010, 07:14 PM posted in General DiscussionSo today I've got the date right I hope, at least I have here in England.
1) What is the difference between 人人and 大家。
2 Last week we had lots of snow, is there a chinese word for slush?
3) When the snow comes do chinese people like to make snow men?
4) How do I say there is ice on the road. I think it may be ......... is this right?
5) (I'm getting my 上 s mixed up) I will take my best shot at these can you confirm or correct.
Up stairs = .......
on the stairs = .......
go up the stairs = .....
downstairs = ......
halfway up the stairs

December 07, 2010, 09:14 PMWell despite them changin Skype so I couldn't find the typing till after the call....
1) 人人 is more like 每人 meaning each and every person where as 大家 is a more general hail. You can say 大家好 but you cannot say 人人好。
2)融雪 róngxuě is for melting snow
3) When the snow comes chinese people particularly children like to make snow men but rather than make 做 they pile 堆 那可以说:我们快出去堆雪人。
4)Got this a bit weird and said 冰在路上 where I should have said 路上有冰 which makes much more sense. I think I was trying to hard to avoid chinglish....

December 07, 2010, 09:20 PMQuestion 5: I took too long to get to this so I thought if I make my attempts here then they could be corrected if there is time at some point:
Up stairs = 我在楼上
on the stairs = 我上楼
go up the stairs = 在楼上去
downstairs = 楼下
halfway up the stair = 我不知道,连猜都不可能!

Up stairs = 在楼上
on the stairs = 在楼梯上 zai lou2ti1 shang
go up the stairs = 上楼
downstairs = 楼下
halfway up the stair = 在上楼的途中

December 07, 2010, 09:23 PMalso just wanted to confirm that we are okay to meet at this time next Tuesday. After that we can go back to our regular time and place...
Oh and I need some more lessons to study.
Many thanks, I'm not sure that I made that much sense today but I was up really late last night so that's my excuse :-)

December 08, 2010, 05:40 AM
第一问题 or 第一次问题
December 07, 2010, 09:04 PMmake snow men 堆雪人 dui1 xue3 ren