基因突变 (基因突變)
jī yīn tū biàn


基因突变 (基因突變)
jī yīn tū biàn
  1. genetic mutation

Related Words (20)

yuán yīn
  1. 1 cause
  2. 2 origin
  3. 3 root cause
  4. 4 reason
  5. 5 classifier: 个 gè
  1. 1 old variant of 因[yīn]
yīn wèi
  1. 1 because
  2. 2 owing to
  3. 3 on account of
jī běn
  1. 1 basic
  2. 2 fundamental
  3. 3 main
  4. 4 elementary
tū rán
  1. 1 sudden
  2. 2 abrupt
  3. 3 unexpected

Idioms (20)

hù wéi yīn guǒ
  1. 1 mutually related karma (idiom); fates are intertwined
  2. 2 interdependent
qián yīn hòu guǒ
  1. 1 cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development
yīn rén chéng shì
  1. 1 to get things done relying on others (idiom); with a little help from his friends
yīn rén ér yì
  1. 1 varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual
yīn gōng xùn zhí
  1. 1 to die as in the line of duty (idiom)

Sample Sentences

kěshì yǒuxiē bìng shì gédài yíchuán de 。érqiě zài gèzhǒng huánjìng yǐngxiǎng xià ,jīyīn tūbiàn yě shì yǒu kěnéng de yā !zuì zhòngyào de shì wǒmen yǐhòu yào shēng ér yù nǚ ,shēngzhí jiǎnchá shì yīdìng yào zuò de !wànyī yǒu yīfāng yǒu wèntí ,wǒmen hái kěyǐ tíqián jiùyī ma !
But some diseases skip a generation! And there's always the possibility that genes will change suddenly in different environments.The most important thing is that when we have kids later on, we definitely need to do a reproductive exam! In case one of us has some kind of problem, we can get it treated in advance!
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