Jay Chou`s song
April 25, 2010, 02:37 PM posted in General DiscussionDid you hear his song? It`s said that his song is the hardest to listen carefully.
August 19, 2010, 03:16 AMI love his songs!

September 16, 2010, 02:51 AMI can sing much better than him.

September 16, 2010, 03:09 PMyeah in china so many young people like his songs ,such as my youngest sis and brother
sry my english is not so well
September 17, 2010, 06:44 AMI love his songs very much!

October 02, 2010, 07:51 PMi like Jay Chou and his songs
Jay Chou's songs always makes me feel relax.

December 11, 2010, 10:51 AM周杰伦 is my favourite Chinese male singer.. well ok.. he is Taiwanese but.. well.. let's not get into that here.

I usually say 华裔 in these situations. It doesn't seem to ruffle anybody's feathers.

Ahh right.. :) hehe..
I've seen some people say one thing and others say the opposite, both hail from Taiwan.. that's a good middle ground approach. :)

He's definitely Taiwanese, 台灣人, but it's his music that is important!

September 13, 2011, 08:34 PMI'm late to this thread... I apologize if that's frowned upon here. ): I should really log into the forums more often.
Does anybody else think he's really hard to understand? Some Chinese singers I can kind of understand but others, like Jay, I can't understand at all. :\
I like his compositions, I don't like his delivery.
But my favorite song of his is 對不起. The use of counterpoint made me smile. <3 Counterpoint!
April 26, 2010, 08:58 AMwhich song? He has a few...