Continious Improvement
April 17, 2010, 03:16 AM posted in General DiscussionJust amazing Chinesepod keep changing better and better..

I agree. I'm confident a lot of the tech hiccoughs we're experiencing at the moment will be ironed out in the next week or so and that things will continue to improve. I really like the "replies to me" filter.I also think that regardless of what changes suit us as individuals and what don't it's obvious that a huge amount of work has gone into this all for the greater good of the community and so I'd personally like to say a big THANKYOU to CPod for all your efforts. Jiayou team :)

Not sure why I can even see this as I'm not in the upper intermediate group but I'm with bababardwan. Change is never that easy but its essential if we are to progress.
After all I'm deep into the business of trying to change from a Monoglot to a Polyglot (BiGlot?) and that is way less easy than coping with a few changes on a website yet its not stopping coming here and hilarious mistakes trying to type comments in 普通话 ;-)and sometimes in my native language too...

April 17, 2010, 07:22 AMI agree. I'm confident a lot of the tech hiccoughs we're experiencing at the moment will be ironed out in the next week or so and that things will continue to improve. I really like the "replies to me" filter.I also think that regardless of what changes suit us as individuals and what don't it's obvious that a huge amount of work has gone into this all for the greater good of the community and so I'd personally like to say a big THANKYOU to CPod for all your efforts. Jiayou team :)

April 17, 2010, 07:46 AMNot sure why I can even see this as I'm not in the upper intermediate group but I'm with bababardwan. Change is never that easy but its essential if we are to progress.
After all I'm deep into the business of trying to change from a Monoglot to a Polyglot (BiGlot?) and that is way less easy than coping with a few changes on a website yet its not stopping coming here and hilarious mistakes trying to type comments in 普通话 ;-)and sometimes in my native language too...
April 17, 2010, 06:53 AMThanks for the support, practicemakesperfect!
(Great user name, by the way!)