Level Threads
March 28, 2010, 07:44 AM posted in General DiscussionCPod, is there any chance of having a thread that is associated with an entire level, ie. a Newbie thread, an Intermediate thread, etc. There are often things I want to post that are associated with a particular level, but not a particular lesson, such as my dictionary. I know we are able to comment in the Community section, but those posts eventually get lost in the CPod black hole.

Yes, let me confirm what Sarah just said. We've been working hard to solve this very problem.

Am I to understand that elem students will then only be able to communicate with the elem community? More fragmentation?

No, each level group will still be open to all.
It's more organization, less shouting above the din.

the "din" is already pretty thin. Be careful what you wish away.

March 29, 2010, 06:29 AMYes, let me confirm what Sarah just said. We've been working hard to solve this very problem.

March 29, 2010, 09:08 AMAm I to understand that elem students will then only be able to communicate with the elem community? More fragmentation?

March 29, 2010, 09:50 AMthe "din" is already pretty thin. Be careful what you wish away.

March 29, 2010, 10:36 AMThanks John and suxiaoya.
I think it will be good to have something in between lesson-specific threads, and the other random threads that lack organisation. Is there any chance the general Community threads will be organised? For example, one of your rivals organises their non-lesson-related threads into 14 categories, including language-specific threads, culture-related threads, tech support, lesson suggestions, feature requests, resources, and others.
Anyway, what rules will apply to posting on these new level-specific discussion boards?
March 29, 2010, 06:01 AMI think this very issue will be addressed with the upcoming changes to the way the community is organised, as detailed in Hank's latest blog post:
In the paragraph about the new "dashboard" concept, it reads:
"You will be able to join level-specific groups (e.g. The Newbie Group), community groups (e.g. SF ChinesePod Users Group) and class groups (e.g. CPod Virtual School). Each of these groups will have their own specific courses and discussion boards."
Should be an effective way to keep discussions focused and relevant to each user....