Faulty towers (literally)

June 29, 2009, 12:04 PM posted in General Discussion















高楼倒塌“不排除次生事故可能” 排除 páichú r.v. eliminate
事故 shìgù n. accident; mishap
上海市政府官员说,当局经过连夜抢修,截至周日上午10点,上海莲花河畔景苑其余未倒塌的10幢楼"尚处于相对稳定的状态",但不能排除有次生事故的可能。 连夜 liányè adv. that night; all night
抢修 qiǎngxiū v. do rush repairs
河畔 hépàn n. river side/bank/margin
稳定 wěndìng s.v. stable; steady
事发当晚11点有业主在莲花河畔景苑小区论坛上发贴称,据他从现场了解的情况看,已倒塌楼盘前面的3栋楼也已出现倾斜 业主[業-] yèzhǔ n. proprietor
倾斜 qīngxié v. tilt; incline; slope; slant
该业主表示,"其中两栋的倾斜幅度很明显,肉眼可辨"。 幅度 fúdù n. extent
肉眼 ròuyǎn n. naked eye
上海媒体引述城乡建设和交通委员会负责人说,当局已组成事故调查组,查明事故真相,并尽快了解和公布其余未倒塌楼房的包括房屋倾斜地质沉降数据 城乡 chéng-xiāng n. town and country
委员会 wěiyuánhuì . committee
查明 chámíng r.v. prove through investigation; find out
沉降 chénjiàng v. subside; settle
上海莲花河畔景苑一座13层高楼在27日凌晨5点左右突然整栋倒塌,事件造成1名工人死亡。 凌晨 língchén n. before dawn
上海的小高层高层建筑随处可见,新建楼房倒塌事件引起部分身居高楼市民担忧 建筑 jiànzhù v. build; construct; erect
市民 shìmín n. townspeople
担忧 dānyōu v. worry
不少市民和莲花河畔景苑业主前往小区业主论坛,在线了解事故原因和讨论赔偿问题。 赔偿 péicháng v. compensate; pay for
网民分析,此次倒塌事故河道有关,主原在于地基滑动土壤强度勘察设计有误的可能性比较大。 河道 hédào n. river course
地基 dìjī n. ground
滑动 huádòng r.v. slide; glide
土壤 tǔrǎng n. soil
勘察 kānchá v. inspect/ n. prospecting
但也有网民认为建筑供应商开发商之间有猫腻,开发商可能在建设偷工减料,因为从倒塌露出地基桩来看,桩的钢筋非常少,有些桩甚至没有。 偷工减料 tōugōngjiǎnliào f.e. cut corners in workmanship
露出 lòuchū r.v. expose; show
钢筋 gāngjīn n. steel reinforcing bar M:节/条
事故发生后,已有400多名购买了莲花河畔景苑的业主签署退房登记表,但业主对退房一事并不感到乐观 签署 qiānshǔ v. sign
乐观 lèguān s.v. optimistic; hopeful
退房 tuìfáng v. check-out
有业主在论坛称,只要当局质量检测通过,就甭想打赢官司 质量 zhìliàng n. quality
检测 jiǎncè v. examine; monitor
他说,"除了13号楼,想退房的其他楼业主就做梦吧",这是因为全国各地的豆腐渣工程在出事前各种手续检测报告一个都不少。 做梦 zuòmèng v.o. dream
豆腐渣工程 dòufǔzhā gōngchéng n. shoddy projects
手续 shǒuxù n. procedure; red tape
新闻 报告 bàogào v./n. report
表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
当局 dāngjú n. authorities
发生 fāshēng v. happen
公布 gōngbù v. announce; publish
官员 guānyuán n. official
媒体 méitǐ n. media
数据 shùjù n. data
图片 túpiàn n. photograph M:张
引述 yǐnshù v. quote (sb.'s words)
真相 zhēnxiàng n. the real facts/truth
新华社 Xīnhuáshè Xinhua News Agency
地理 Hù n. short name for Shanghai
上海 Shànghǎi Shanghai
城乡 chéng-xiāng n. town and country
地质 dìzhì n. geology
政治 市政府 shìzhèngfǔ city government
调查 diàochá v./n. investigate
官司 guānsi n. lawsuit
建筑 倒塌 dǎotā v. collapse
高层 gāocéng attr. high-level; high-rise
高楼 gāolóu n. high building M:座
建设 jiànshè v. build; construct (ion)
楼房 lóufáng n. building of two or more stories M:座
网络 网民 wǎngmín n. netizens
在线 zàixiàn v.o. be on line
商业 供应商 gōngyīngshāng n. supplier
购买 gòumǎi v. purchase; buy
开发商 kāifāshāng developer

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June 28, 2009, 05:00 PM

unfortunately; this is not a Chinese remake of the famous TV comedy


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June 28, 2009, 05:39 PM

Great title ... again !

Fawlty towers (非常大酒店)

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June 28, 2009, 06:08 PM

This reminds me of a photo of some buildings fell down when a very large earthquake hit Niigata prefecture in Japan in 1964. Nobody in the buildings died because they fell down very slowly.


Here is a web page that shows you more photos of the "faulty tower" and a news video. I'm very surprised that some buildings fall down in China even when an earthquake does NOT happen. 


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June 28, 2009, 07:57 PM

We had a similar incident here in Cologne recently because of issues with a subway construction site.


CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/03/03/germany.cologne.building.collapse/index.html

The accident killed two people and took an important historical archive with it.

P.S.: Good to see that the News are alive and kicking despite the recent obituary.

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June 29, 2009, 06:10 AM

It could have been worse. Fortunately, the "faulty tower" fell in the right direction.