August 06, 2014, 06:06 PM posted in General DiscussionWhen I use google chrome, I cannot play the sentences in Expansion and Excersises. Google chrome 就是我最喜欢的浏览器!有没有别人有一样的问题吗?如果没有的话,能不能帮我一下吗?谢谢!

Hi James,
This sounds like a good tip, but when I right-click on the play button no option to Inspect Element comes up. I'm currently on chrome on windows 7. Wondering what system you are using?

sorry, it was ie on windows 7

What version of IE do you have? I've just checked and it seems the right-click menu for IE11 also has an inspect element option that does the same thing.
For an earlier IE, you should be able to bring up the developer tools by pressing F12. If you're somewhat familiar with HTML and Javascript, you should hopefully be able to find the script element associated with playing the audio.

Thanks james for your reply. Not at work now so not sure what version of IE that was but on my home computer now I have found the inspect element option. But wow, so many elements [unfortunately this is new territory for me]...I did find several that looked like they were urls for mp3 but pasting into the address bar brought up a play button and everything but it just wouldn't work. I've probably selected the wrong ones I guess. Not sure how to work out which is the right one. Thanks anyhow mate. :)
August 14, 2014, 10:19 PMI find I sometimes can't listen to audio from the exercises when looking at older lessons (newer lessons seem fine).
When this happens, I right-click on the play button and click 'Inspect Element'. In the source code, scroll up to the closest script tag and expand it. Look for the 'mp3' attribute and take the url. Pasting that into the url bar allows me to hear the audio.
Bit of a pain but it means I can complete all the exercises from older lessons :). Hopefully you can do the same (though again, I don't have the issue for newer lessons).