All my bookmarked lessons removed and replaced with other odd ones
April 24, 2014, 04:28 AM posted in General Discussion2 weeks ago Chinese pod had a \"technical error\" and all of my bookmarked, categorised lessons have disappeared from the website. Fortunately they are still on my tablet, but now that means i cant update my tablet with new lessons because it will remove all my bookmarked lessons and replace them with this junk.
Its been two weeks now.

I completely understand how you feel, what makes it worse is they can see these messages and they don't reply to them. It makes me so angry that we pay for this service, they mess it up, and when we ask about it there is no reply. I want all my original bookmarked lessons back!
April 24, 2014, 04:15 PMI've had problems with bookmarked (saved, favorite) lessons for a long time. I used to complain about it but gave up after my detailed problem descriptions were apparently ignored.
I have to say, this issue seems to have been addressed. Saved lessons have been working well for a week or two now. Thanks, CP!
Although... things are still flaky sometimes on the Android app. If you hit Refresh on the Saved Lessons list, stuff sometimes pops up that should not be there. And sometimes Refresh will fix it.

April 25, 2014, 03:48 AMHi all,
Could you please let me know if you lost absolutely all your lessons bookmarked or just some of them bookmarked during a certain period?
Thank you very much.

All the bookmark lessons are gone. They have been replaced with a page of lessons i didn't bookmark at all in "self study". Also ALL of my progress has been removed. ALL OF IT. its been 3 weeks now. please fix this.

April 30, 2014, 10:10 AM
I'm reading this with incredulity. How could this happen?
IT where is your responsibility to the customers?
Marketing you expect this NOT to affect future decisions for possible customers???
You are losing credibility, rapidly! What happened to accountibility?

Cpod has always gotten low marks in customer service, new implementations from the IT dept, their response to customer issues, quality control, and lets not forget their total lack of transparency. However, Alex did offer a good solution to this issue of losing bookmarks. I doubt this will ever be resolved as it may not be fixable at this point, so I would do the following. Clean your dashboard of all bookmarked or studied lessons and then go to the Library and choose the "List" function. Use the filter to look at only elementary lessons for example and then you can click on "bookmark" and/or "studied" for all lessons you desire, and they will then immediately show up on your home page dashboard. You can then repeat for other levels if you wish, or do them all at once. It works, and is not terribly time consuming this way.
In the future I would suggest saving a copy of the lesson you are currently studying to your computer along with the PDF file. Name the file so you can recognize it easily. If you wish you can also copy each to a folder marked "studied" as you complete it if you want to keep track of this as well. This way you have your own permanent record and copies of the lessons that can be reviewed for years to come, whether you are currently paid up or not. Using the RSS feed accessible through the grey star wheel on your home page to send all subscribed lessons to a pod-catcher such as i-tunes is also an option for permanent record keeping. I have done both for 7 years now. As Jenny said recently and I agree, its best to be self-reliant. Especially in China. Study on. Hopefully someday cpod will effectively address the areas in need of improvement. In the mean time, self-reliance is the key.
How do you do them "all at once?"

May 01, 2014, 10:06 PMNot sure if my problem is the same. But about 100-120 lessons that I marked as studied were suddently marked as unstudied. I think this happened about a week-2 weeks ago. it's a little annoying because I now i don't know which I have studied. I have just sent an email to chinesepod asking them about it, then i found this thread.
April 24, 2014, 02:11 PMBelieve it or not, I am cancelling my subscription because of this. It's very hard to organize my Chinese study. There are tons of lessons, and more coming every day. What we need now is better management of the lessons that do exist. I know the company is growing fast but there are just too many technical problems. Both the mobile app and the site need alot of improvement. And at the very least maintain the status quo. I'm sorry to say that I can't wait to see the improvements that are hopefully coming.