12 Beijingers
February 11, 2013, 09:59 AM posted in General DiscussionOh man, this is cracking me up and I just had to share it even before I've finished watching it myself. Mike Sui is playing 12 different characters at a bar. Stereotypes. PG 13 warning. What do folk think of the stereotypes? Love the 美国白人....is he stereotypical? Is that what all our 美国白人 are like, hehe?
Sorry it's youtube:
...hopefully those in China who haven't seen it will find a copy on that side of the wall.

February 14, 2013, 01:45 AM有事吗? is this a common way to answer the phone in bars etc?
No Aussie. Darn. I only remember Steve Irwin saying "Dainger Dainger!"

February 16, 2013, 07:58 AMThis video went viral after he posted this on the net months ago. For those of you in China it can be found on youku also. He's half Chinese and half American and speaks both English and Chinese at what appears to be a native level. Way back when John Pasden had a write-up on this on his sinosplice site.


February 16, 2013, 06:17 PMthe sinosplice article:

February 11, 2013, 12:42 PMHaha, this is great. I was sent it a few moths ago by my Chinese colleagues. Their favourite was the Taiwanese guy. Apparently he nailed that one!