User Comments - ouyangjun116

Posted on: Table Manners in the West
July 28, 2012, 06:21 AMI think the 看不起外地人 remark was referring to Shanghainese looking down upon other mainland Chinese not from Shanghai. In this case I don't think it was referring to foreigners. By definition 外地人 are people not from that area, but in this context my understanding is that it is focused on Chinese. Hong Kong has a similar thing with the 大陆人... 对我来说这个看不起的想法傻里傻气。
Posted on: Chinese Rock Music
July 03, 2012, 01:39 PMHaven't listened to this podcast yet, but Carsick Cars are actually a somewhat popular global act. Back in the day they opened up for Sonic Youth. On that note, I guess it depends what type of music circles you like, if you consider Sonic Youth a popular band (I do), then your perception of reality may be skewed.
Posted on: Applying for a Work Visa
May 21, 2012, 01:53 PM我认为他们让这些的过程这么复杂是为了赚钱。。。 跑来跑去付费, 烦死了。拿我的中国驾照的时候也不少麻烦。住在中国没办法,就需要忍得住而已。
Posted on: Preparing for the Ironman Race
April 16, 2012, 01:42 PMMy road bike, which is what I believe JanetPro is asking about, is only for training - exercising. It has no kickstand, no lock, etc. I ride for exercise and bring into my apartment when finished and store it in my office room.
As for bikes to ride around for fun/get from point a to b... In the 3+ years I've been in Shanghai I've had 2 of them stolen. I didn't spend much money on either bike. I had a standard lock on both of them.
Posted on: Preparing for the Ironman Race
April 16, 2012, 08:26 AMDefinitely take your bike. There are places to ride and cycling groups in Shanghai. Not sure if you will be in Pudong or Puxi, but Pudong has lots of places to ride and the traffic is better - there are groups that meet regularly to cycle.
Posted on: “活熊取胆”引发争议
February 28, 2012, 07:35 AM素食主义。。。 吃素不仅对身体有好处,而且对动物环境有好处。 我好几年是个素食主义者。
Posted on: Family Member Terms of Address
February 21, 2012, 12:59 PMfinally got around to listening to this one, and it confirmed why I've never taken the time to learn this, and why I don't plan on taking the time to learn the terms of address for family members any time soon. I think there are far more practical/useful things to learn even once you get to the upper int/advanced stage than family 称呼... but it was an amusing lesson.
Posted on: Extreme Weather and Pollution
January 10, 2012, 02:11 PMDefinitely rewarding and kick a$$ when that happens. Seems the more studying one does, the more the chinese language stars and moons align and things just come together... awesome.
Posted on: Teaching English to the Neighbors
January 09, 2012, 01:37 PMhaha, nice topic. I've been asked a bunch of times and always decline with the similar excuse of being too busy with work... although I almost took the bait once in exchange for Shanghainese lessons, but then snapped back to reality that I better continue to focus on mandarin prior to trying to pick up Shanghainese
Posted on: Fan Death
July 30, 2012, 11:47 AMnice