Public Transportation - Shanghai
January 18, 2011, 02:08 AM posted in General DiscussionWhereas Beijing is an relatively orderly mass of centrally managed bus lines by a single organization, Shanghai appears to be plates of spaghetti, linguini, angel hair and other pasta messes cooked up who knows why. Since I'm not in Shanghai, I'll post what I can find, and leave it to Shanghai locals to repair the damage as they see fit.
Wikipedia page on the spaghetti mess;

January 19, 2011, 06:59 AMJust thought I'd bump this.. not sure what your intentions were for posting it in the first place pretz.. :)
I took my first ever bus ride in China when I was in Chengdu in 2009. Luckily for me, Chengdu is arranged with "ring roads" just like Beijing and some other Chinese cities. I totally got on the wrong bus but all I had to do was wait till I got to the northern section of the city and then walk south one ring-road to where I was staying.
In the next city I travelled to, Xi'an, I had to make my own way to 兵马俑 (terracotta warriors) and finding that bus was not exactly difficult but as my Chinese skills at the time were poor, it was still quite a challenge. This is a special tourist bus that only goes to those particular locations so it wasn't hard to work out where to get off.. hehe..
During my second trip to China, I used the buses a lot more; in Shanghai, in Hanghzou, in Nanjing.. I never needed to use but I'm sure it would have helped if I hadn't had people to help me to know which bus to take etc

Interesting. I was thinking that it was obvious why I'm posting this, but since you're asking, it probably isn't.
Initially, I was thinking of how incredibly convenient the Beijing bus schedule is I was thinking that it would be helpful for tourists in Beijing to know how helpful the Beijing bus website is; that it can be efficiently used to plan trips. So I wanted to put it on the portion of the cpod website where I thought it would be helpful. I then thought that other Chinese cities would have equally helpful websites for public transportation. I was thinking also that other locals in city might have specialized knowledge about how to get around that city that tourists might appreciate, so I started creating these "Public Transportation - Beijing/Shanghai" etc, as a test post. In a casual search, it's turning out that that's not the case. So this posting might go by the wayside, but maybe some of the links posted about transportation around the city in question might be helpful to some tourist.
If this rambling doesn't make sense, then just say so.
January 18, 2011, 08:21 is the Chinese version of Google Maps. You can use it to enter the "from" and "to" points and then ask for directions using public transport. It will give you all the bus numbers and stops etc
For example:
A: 中山公园地铁站
B: 东安路地铁站
公交 终点站:中山南一路西藏南路
(12 分钟,8 站)
服务每隔 10 分钟 运行一次
公交 终点站:上海体育馆
(9 分钟,5 站)
步行到 东安路
大约 2 分钟
So.. basically.. jump on bus number 96 and ride it for approximately 12 minutes to the 8th stop, then change to bus number 49 and ride it for approximately 9 minutes to the 5th stop.. get out and walk.
Of course, it would be simpler just to jump on the metro and go there directly.. hehe.. but this is just an example.
Oh yes.. and you could print off the name of the stops so you can show people or look out for the signage yourself.