

  1. a staff
  2. a rod
  3. cane
  4. walking stick
  5. to flog with a stick (old)

Character Decomposition

Related Words (6)

  1. 1 a staff
  2. 2 a rod
  3. 3 cane
  4. 4 walking stick
  5. 5 to flog with a stick (old)
shǒu zhàng
  1. 1 cane
  2. 2 classifier: 把 bǎ
guǎi zhàng
  1. 1 crutches
  2. 2 crutch
  3. 3 walking stick
quán zhàng
  1. 1 scepter
gǎn miàn zhàng
  1. 1 rolling pin

Sample Sentences

kàn le zhèxiē xíngjù ,dàjiā shì bu shì juéde píngshí zài diànshì shang kàndào de nàxiē dài mùjiā ,jiā shǒuzhǐ ,liǎn shàng cìzì ,zhàngxíng zhīlèi de háishì bǐjiào qīng de ?
After seeing these torture devices, doesn't everyone think that the kinds of punishments you see on TV like wearing a wooden yoke, finger traps, face tattooing or caning are all pretty mild?
Guess: if someone wears a big round top hat, with a very tight top and extremely baggy pants, with pointy leather shoes, and they have a little moustache, carry a thin walking stick and waddle like a penguin, who are they imitating?