勤俭办社 (勤儉辦社)
qín jiǎn bàn shè


勤俭办社 (勤儉辦社)
qín jiǎn bàn shè
  1. to run an organization diligently and thriftily

Related Words (20)

qín fèn
  1. 1 hardworking
  2. 2 diligent
shè jiāo
  1. 1 interaction
  2. 2 social contact
shè qū
  1. 1 community
  2. 2 neighborhood
shè huì
  1. 1 society
  2. 2 classifier: 个 gè
hēi shè huì
  1. 1 criminal underworld
  2. 2 organized crime syndicate

Idioms (17)

kè qín kè jiǎn
  1. 1 to be industrious and frugal (idiom)
qín jiǎn jiàn guó
  1. 1 to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)
qín jiǎn pǔ shí
  1. 1 hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)
qín jiǎn pǔ sù
  1. 1 hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple (idiom)
qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn
  1. 1 hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)