User Comments - wernicke85
Posted on: Awkward encounters
December 29, 2021, 03:04 AM我在南京的时候,我跟一些新中文科同学们和一些中国朋友们去外玩一玩。在一个片刻我找不到我们的别的朋友们。我说,”我们丢了人“每一个中国人开始笑一笑。他们告诉我”丢了任何丢了脸是一样的意思。我真的“丢了人”
Posted on: Drinking Chinese Spirits
October 26, 2017, 02:33 PMOn a recent trip to the Philippines I noticed that the Craft Beer Phenomenon has expanded to SE Asia. Has it gotten to China or Taiwan, and if so how would ask if a restaurant has a craft beer selection? Also, if it is something that is popularizing out there maybe an episode on beer would be good.
Posted on: You Also Live in the Same Apartment?
October 26, 2017, 02:18 PM我的中文名字是温克勤。当我开始学中文的时候, 我常常把我的名字描述为温家宝的温和李克勤的克勤。 我曾经从讲母语的人得到很多笑声。 一些人会开始称呼我为温总理。 我现在描述我的名字作为温暖的温, 克服的克,勤奋的勤.
Posted on: Making people do things with 让,令,and 使
December 10, 2024, 04:03 AM令 makes me feel like it has to deal with emotional causation. All the examples seem related to that at least. Is that a fair assessment?