User Comments - laobi

Posted on: Designing the New Apartment 4
April 24, 2010, 09:07 AMI haven't received a number of lessons this week on itunes and a couple of interesting looking new lesson groups I recently added haven't yet kicked in.
Anyone with answer?
Posted on: Man-to-Man Advice on Women
March 06, 2010, 04:54 AMYep, I've got the same problem going from Upper to Advanced. Advanced is a really tough nut for me and takes some very hard study. My speaking and listening skills are far ahead of my reading. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this position but the lesson design seems to assume all aspects are pretty much equal. Specifically, the English translations in the PDF's are in far too colloquial English and not translated directly enough. So its back and forth to Google translate to get the proper meaning of specific vocab words. Very tedious. The English on the PDF's should be a more direct translation of the Chinese words, even if it's at the expense of proper English.
I still almost always get something from Intermediate and the presentation is always good and entertaining but often too short. Just how do you cater to all levels and those in between? That's the great Cpod question. Herein is my suggestion. Do you have one Munson and others?
Posted on: Let's Just Be Friends
March 05, 2010, 03:42 PMSorry to continue the gripping about the price hikes but I've just realized basic users like I am are now paying 50% more for 50% less.
I thought I wasn't getting the 'audio review' podcast because of the Spring Festival holiday, but now I see that's no longer available with a basic subscription. This is extremely disappointing as I found it an essential part of each lesson. It's where the entertainment ended and the study really happened.
Really, this is too much -- a 50% increase and half the number of podcasts (actually it's a two thirds reduction as the stand along dialogue is also not available to bacis subscribers). Also, I didn't see this reduction in service mentioned in any pitch about the new pricing scheme. I'm sure you wouldn't try to sneak that one. All I can say is 哎呀!
Is it too late is ask for a refund for the extra year I signed on for.
Posted on: The Killing Game
February 26, 2010, 02:08 PMI've played the game. I've listened to the show, but still don't know what is the jingcha's role?
Posted on: Leaky Pipes and Faucets
February 10, 2010, 01:24 AMTo rang or not to rang that is the question to contemplate as I sit or squat.
It's actually not where you rang it, but what you rang that is important.
This habit of the rang-ing in the waste basket comes from the days when only a sandpaper-like toilet paper or newspaper was used -- holly it was rough on behinds and on plumbing.
The key is the paper, not the toilet or the pipes. Modern toilet paper is made to dissolve as it goes down and is actually good for the plumbing system.
So stop with the basket full of poopy used paper -- how gross and unsanitary. Just get modern toilet paper and ban the rest of it. Really, that's all you need; really TP.
Posted on: Buying on Taobao
September 24, 2008, 01:12 PMPinkjeans is right. We only got two thirds of a lesson on this one. What happened to John and Jenny's breakdown of the last third of the dialogue.
Did you guys hit a wall or something? The lesson wasn't overly long at 14:10.
Please don't leave us hanging like that. There is some very good dialogue near the end that could have used some 'splaining', as John like to say.
Lao Bi
Posted on: Prescription Drugs and Overseas Chinese
September 07, 2008, 07:41 AMHey Amber... That was a great idea you had way up at the top of this column. You really should have Auntie68 on as a guest. I'd love to hear from her.
Her avatar shows she's beautiful and her writing shows her intelligence -- what a great combination.
For that matter here's an idea for a new CPOD show altogether. Phone call chats with listeners and learners. The host could talk to subscribers about their stumbling blocks and how they overcome language obstacles. Call it "CPOD Calling" or "Dianhua Chats".
I vote for Auntie68 as host!
It would be fun, informative and very international, all at the same time.
Lao Bi
Posted on: Prescription Drugs and Overseas Chinese
September 07, 2008, 12:21 AMif I tell you my daughter is a banana but I'm an egg can you tell what color we are? Here in china we each have very different crosses to bear. She's immediately part of the 'guo jia' and I am always the Lao wai. Although my Chinese is better than her's she gets immediate acceptance while I am endlessly complimented to the point where it become denigrating. Really, China needs to grow up on the multicultural front. We live in one world and share the same dream remember. Its not us vs them. Of course more Westerners have to take learning Chinese more seriously. What's so liao bu qi about speaking Chinese anyway? 1.3 billion people can do it. Lao Bi ps sorry about the typos. Wrote this on my iPhone and cpod has a lot of work to do on the tech front.
Posted on: Changes on ChinesePod
September 04, 2008, 02:27 PMSo what is ChinesePod without Jenny and John? I hope they get a raise and a week off now that we're paying big bucks for the service -- okay, I'll upgrade to preemo. The content, the lessons and the stories are all great to learn by, but the dynamic duo's voices are very compelling.
Jenny is destined for big things in China's English media and John could work as a broadcaster anywhere. Of course he has to learn that 'splain' is not how you pronounce explain.:)
BTW, are you two really good friends? You sound so evenly tempered and suited to each other?
Posted on: The Frog Prince in the Well
September 28, 2010, 03:06 PMHelp! I haven't received a download since last week. iTunes won't refresh Chinese Pod, while other podcasts are as regular as ever. Nothing since the Ayi lesson last week.
Quick, I need my Cpod fix! What could be wrong?
Lao Bi