User Comments - flibberdie

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Posted on: What does she look like?
November 20, 2010, 07:36 PM

I believe it's the object of the sentence, the "it" that wasn't really noticed.

Posted on: Reserving a Taxi Cab by Telephone
October 27, 2010, 11:30 PM

Thank you so much!

Posted on: Reserving a Taxi Cab by Telephone
October 27, 2010, 09:40 PM

Sorry, Jacob. Didn't mean to make my question a reply to yours!

I think it sounds more like a third tone, but definitely not a first.

Posted on: Reserving a Taxi Cab by Telephone
October 27, 2010, 09:38 PM

Can someone help me understand what Jenny says about a real person? It's around 40 seconds into the lesson.

Posted on: Shopping for a Rice Cooker
September 07, 2010, 10:07 PM

Why is 破玩意儿 defined in the vocabulary as "to play"?

Posted on: Lao Wang's Office 11: Wang in the Doghouse
May 25, 2009, 02:22 AM


Sometimes 'go on' is used very politely, to solicit more talk from the person speaking.  Given the tone and context of the discussion at Lao Wang's home,  I would translate it as "Yeah, yeah, yeah."  Or just one good "oh, shut up" or as rj suggests, "bullshit."

Posted on: Big Bed
May 09, 2009, 12:25 AM


I do not understand your objection.  I see several comments on this discussion that recommend specific lodging places in Shanghai.  What is it about van0000's post that offended you?

Posted on: Booking a Plane Ticket
April 19, 2009, 12:05 AM

Oddly, the pinyin given for the dialogue script that comes with the mp3 download doesn't match the Chinese characters for sentences 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, and 15.

The Chinese characters match the dialogue, but the pinyin is not from this Peter/travel agent conversation.

什么日期, for example, is translated to this in pinyin: ta1 shi4 cong2 Mei3guo2 lai2 de.



Posted on: Dog Meat and Animal Rights
March 19, 2009, 09:24 PM


So, what's your take on puppy mills?

Posted on: Dog Meat and Animal Rights
March 19, 2009, 02:43 AM

Another book recommendation would be Barbara Kingsolver's, Animal Vegetable Miracle.  It is well researched and the section on why we should eat animals we raise for meat might interest many of you.

The human race could take care of this world a lot better than we presently do.  And I believe that an animal's death isn't as tragic as an animal living a life filled with abuse and fear.  That shouldn't happen anywhere, to any animal.  But it does, and in many places.  The dogs that are my avatar came from a shelter in the USA; and a photo of that place wouldn't have been a happy contrast to the photo that bothered people on this site.

Lastly, I support Chinesepod's artistic license to create lessons that run the gamut of its audience's varied interests and hope to not see more retracting such as this.  The buffet of offerings here is a vast one and I enjoy being able to pick what I like, and leave what I don't. (I saw the picture but didn't get to hear the intro..............somehow I don't think the world got better.)