July 30, 2010, 01:57 PM posted in General DiscussionG'day all.
Just doing like the sign out front says and posting to say hi.
Well have fun, I'll see you around.
July 31, 2010, 12:58 PMG'day,
I do have a few questions. When doing the lesson worksheets how do I answer in chinese characters. I've done the 1st 2 tone lessons now and my scores would have been higher but it appears to grade on the actual characters not the pinyin or english translations.
Also is there a way to see what the character questions say in english?
I'd been listening to the ChinesePod pod casts on my iphone for a while now so I'm excited to start learning.

July 31, 2010, 08:56 PMI am using a macbook and there you can enable Chinese character input methods (e.g. writing via Pinyin or Trackpad Writing) via "System Preferences" --> "Language & Text" --> "Input Sources". This allows entering the Chinese Characters.
How to answer the questions in Pinyin? I found the following webpage that explains that (again if you have a Mac): http://robrohan.com/2007/02/03/typing-proper-pinyin-on-mac/.
Hope it helps (as I had the same problems, that my scores could have been a little better, if I would have done this correct during my first test ...).
July 30, 2010, 03:39 PMHi mudgee -
Welcome, and thanks for taking the time to say hello! We have a good number of Australian poddies here, so you're in good company!
How are you finding ChinesePod so far? Any difficulties or questions we can help with? Feel free to let us know at any time :-)