A fated meeting
April 29, 2010, 10:04 PM posted in Transcripts with TalStarted this in the lesson thread, but anyway, here's my first two lines. Jenny's talking really fast in this lesson. It takes me ages to get through anything, and I confess to ringing my girlfriend at several points for help (particularly one ci that I was convinced was si or zi). Anyway:
John (English and sounding much younger, even though it was only 4 years ago): Hi and welcome to Chinesepod. Mandarin on your terms. I am John, and with me is Jenny.
Jenny: ng, John, 你好
John: (English) Hey, Jenny. So today we have an Intermediate lesson.
Jenny: 对。今天而且呐中级课程 是觉得有一点不那么严肃。这是有一点的浪漫的成分在 里面,对吧?
(Jenny: Duì. Jīntiān Érqiě ne zhōngjí kèchéng shì juéde yǒu yīdiǎn bù nàme yuánsù。 zhè shì yǒu yīdiǎn làngmàn Chéngfèn zài Lǐmiàn duiba?)
Jenny: Right, today’s intermediate lesson I think is a little less serious, it has a few romantic components… right?
John (English): So a little light hearted and romantic
Jenny: 对对对,所以大家就好好期待以下吧。而且今天这个可我觉得最重要就是。。。uh。。。里面难的就是词语比较少, 最主要没要介绍越但加一些常用的口头语, john觉得对吗?
(Duì duì duì, suǒyǐ dàjiā jiù hǎohǎo qídài yǐxià ba. érqiě jīntiān zhège kě wǒ juéde zuì zhòngyào jiùshì... Ń... Lǐmiàn nán de jiùshì cíyǔ bǐjiào shǎo, Zuì zhǔyào méi yào jièshào yuè dàn jiā yīxiē chángyòng de kǒutóuyǔ, John juéde duì ma?)
Jenny: Right right right, so, everyone expect a good one. And today I think what is very important is…uh… not some difficult main phrases but to introduce some phrases more commonly used in spoken language, right John?

Hmn, that's a good idea. I suppose I'm selfishingly wanting to try and do it all myself, lol :) Mind you, at this rate, I'll be doing it for a year...

Cool, just sing out if you get stuck then! Actually doggedly persisting will do your listening ability so much good.

Just wondering, are you still working on this. No pressure mind you - your year's not up yet!
Anyway, if Jenny's speaking too fast, slow her down. Windows Media Player can be slowed down to 50%, in increments of 10%.

I haven't done any more on it. The chinese was really way too hard for me. Go ahead if you wanted to do it, if not I may pick it up at a future stage.
I was already using the slow-down feature. It's kind of fun to listen to them drunk, but Jenny was talking so fast in this one, it often doesn't help.

I've still got a large number of the 32 transcripts to finish, so I'll leave it to you. I just thought you might want some help.
The Chinese is generally too difficult for me too. I think the issue is Pinyin recognition. When something is said clearly, without slurring (a lot of Jenny's words are slurred - and thats not a slur on Jenny - we all slur words when talking at conversational speed), even if it is said quickly, I can generally pick up the Pinyin. I mightn't know what it means, but the correct Pinyin allows me to look it up on an online dictionary - I use Yellowbridge when I'm just searching by Pinyin without tones (otherwise I use Nciku).
I'm not sure how your recognition is with regard to unknown words and their Pinyin, but maybe that is something you could practise with your girlfriend.

Yea, my method is pretty similar, as is my thought process. Basically, I just need to find time to bore my girlfriend senseless for an hour or two helping me with it :)

April 30, 2010, 08:45 AMHmn, that's a good idea. I suppose I'm selfishingly wanting to try and do it all myself, lol :) Mind you, at this rate, I'll be doing it for a year...

July 26, 2010, 11:19 AMHey I've just started on this Love Story series and got in the mood to transcribe. Hope nobody minds. I've just done the first minute and a half so far.

No objection from me! It's way beyond my level at the mo :)

August 04, 2010, 11:15 PMFirst draft is up here. Hope to get help esp. on bits in red!

Looks like a great effort zhen, there's not much missing really I'd say. Some of the times are in red too though, does that mean you're unsure of those?
I'm afraid to say that Google Docs seems to be totally 被屏蔽了 for us in China now, (not just access to creating & editing docs but even links like this one of yours and all my previous ones, *sigh*). Anyway many thanks for your hard work.

Oh ... wonder where's the best place to go then. It's not that I'm in love with GoogleDocs anyway.
Thanks for taking the time to review my work. Those timecodes in red I just inserted as markers in case someone didn't feel like going through the whole 17 minutes but had a moment to listen to that bit of audio.
啊对了,I've been thinking, how about creating Lesson Sets of those lessons that have transcripts in TWT? Because hopefully such lists would be ever-growing, maybe they should be grouped by year as well as level. Lesson Sets would be helpful to poddies who want to know which lessons have transcripts (in addition to the list you compiled and posted). What do you say?

GoogleDocs is still fine for everyone outside China of course, but I'm considering using zoho.com , the site xiaophil recommended to us for my own future efforts, erm... not that I've been terribly productive recently.
Lesson sets? Sorry, can you elucidate further, maybe give an example of what you mean?
Maybe I need to update that list again. Seems like we've got a lot going on here these days. I guess I mostly rely on folks finding the ones they're interested in either from a link in the lesson comments or from browsing the group.

all my previous ones
..hey tal, that's no good mate. I'm a bit tied up at the moment but when I get a chance I should copy from those google docs and paste them in the appropriate transcripts with tal thread, so we've got them here for folks like yourself. Feel free to remind me.

No worries mate, I can get to Google docs through my VPN. (It's quite likely that most other ex-pats in China do the same.) It's still a shame though.

Oh there are veteran poddies who have not heard of Lesson Sets.
(゜o゜) Okay. At the bottom of the page where all the links are, the second column from the left is Lessons. Under it is Sets. That's where they are. There are CPod's Sets (Love Tangle, Lao Wang--all those series are addable to your archive = bookmarkable en masse. For a new user, it's convenient to go and be able to do that, rather than comb through Lesson Lists looking for every lesson in a series he's interested in), and Sets users have put together and shared. The Intermediate Set called "Easies" is mine.
I figure it's just another channel to let people know there are transcripts for some lessons.

Spare me the sarcasm please. I am aware that there sets of lessons here at CPod, but there aren't corresponding sets of transcripts, are there? I was simply hoping you'd expand on how your idea would work, but never mind.

Tal--why would you think I would be sarcastic? I was not.
Yeah never mind. You're in no mood to talk to right now.

August 05, 2010, 09:05 AMPull the other one, old sport.
@zhen - Et tu brute?
April 30, 2010, 01:34 AMExcellent! Great to see a ball start rolling, 加油 XL!
I'll dig this lesson out again later and lend an ear, it's nice when we get a bit of collaboration going on.
Did you consider creating an online document that you/we can just add to as we go along? (e.g. Google docs, but there are other options as xiaophil told us recently.) Then you could just put a link to the document here. Just an idea, it's not compulsory!
Anyway thanks for sharing your effort, keep on keepin' on! ;)