How to make lesson sets
March 13, 2010, 03:10 AM posted in General DiscussionThere is something BAD going on with the 'I have a Question' thread about 'How to make lesson sets'. Maybe because Xiaophil asked right up front for help from the CP Technical Department. That put the mockers on us. ;-)
Barbs - I have tried to communicate with you on the other thread but it will not take my posts.

"(I still can't work out how to find and add lessons that you have already subscribed to.) "
..whaddya mean?
hehe,"tech dept...put the mockers"

March 13, 2010, 03:48 AM"(I still can't work out how to find and add lessons that you have already subscribed to.) "
..whaddya mean?
hehe,"tech dept...put the mockers"
March 13, 2010, 03:27 AMBasic Instructions:
Follow the instructions below to create your own set of lessons that will be saved to your account:
1. Click on the ‘Home' page
2. Click on the ‘Manage Archive' button (on the right-hand side of the screen, part-way down the page)
3. When creating a new lesson set, first click the ‘Edit Labels' button
4. Name this set and click ‘create'
5. Click the pencil icon to edit the preferences of the lesson set
6. Should you wish to share the set with other users, choose ‘Yes' under ‘Shared Status'. If it is shared, you also have the option of adding an image and description that other users will see.
7. Once you've created the set (still with no lesson in it) and edited its specifics, you can begin to add lessons. Clicking ‘Save' will send you back to the ‘Archive Labels' page, where you must click ‘Back to Manage Archive', in order to select lessons from your archive to add to the set.
8. So you got to the point where you would like to add lessons. At this point you need to have made sure you have clicked on "back to manage archive" so you can see all your lessons that are in your archive. Next step is to tick on the boxes to the left of the lessons that you want to choose. Then immediately above the lessons you will see a button labelled "remove" and to the right of this is "more actions". Click on the drop down list under "more actions" and you should see the label you created as one of the options. When you click on this you will see the system say it is updating and presto , you've added the lesson to your newly created set. You can then click on edit labels and go back and click on the pencil icon of your set to make it public and add an avatar if you want.
Edited Saturday 13 March 2010
(I still can't work out how to find and add lessons that you have already subscribed to.)