一场空欢喜: What tone on 场?
December 04, 2009, 07:16 PM posted in I Have a QuestionMy measure word dictionary lists the phrase 一场空欢喜 (yī chǎng kōng huānxǐ), "a fleeting moment of joy and then disappointment" under 场 chǎng. However, it also says that third tone is used for "a sports match or competition; presentation; public display" whereas it's second tone cháng for "a period of rain, snow, wind, battle, lawsuit or sickness". It seems to me that the way it's used in "一场空欢喜" has more in common with the second tone usage than the third. Has my dictionary made a mistake or is it really supposed to be third tone here?
Which tone would you use?

December 05, 2009, 08:21 AMThanks, Changye! Much obliged.

December 05, 2009, 08:46 AMHi simon
The character "场" (chang3) strongly connotes "place/scene", just like "场所" (chang3suo3, place), and therefore the measure word is usually used for something happens/takes place in a particular location, like 一场京剧,一场电影,一场足球比赛,and 一场考试. Conversely speaking, you're just supposed to use "场" (chang2) for things other than the examples shown above.

December 05, 2009, 09:28 AMCorrection
like 一场京剧,一场电影,一场足球比赛,一场考试 and so on. Conversely speaking, you're just supposed to use "场" (chang2) for things other than the examples shown above.
January 09, 2010, 04:43 AMEr, yes, I agree with Changye.
But pay attention. "场所" (chang3suo3)we write场 in tones 3, but when we read, we read tone 2. This is because of one rules: When there are two tone-3 words meets, the first word read in tone 2, the second word read still in tone 3. But when write, still tone 3.
But when 3 tone-3 words meet, at the moment,you can read them you like. By now, it has not been given a clear answer.
December 05, 2009, 12:06 AMHi simon
Your hunch is right. That's "一场(chang2)空欢喜".