Scary visitations
September 16, 2009, 06:30 AM posted in General DiscussionAll kinds of weird downloads have been jumping on to my podcaster lately. Yesterday an upper intermediate from last year came down. Today a newbie arrived from 2006! (That gave me a chill down my spine!) Maybe this is normal and I don't take much notice of what arrives. But I have noticed that The Jenny Zhu Show does not arrive at all - was it something I said, Jenny? Has anyone else noticed this lind of random behaviour or is my poscaster unusually wilful?

October 27, 2009, 11:03 AM@pretzel
Oh, I'd forgotten about this post. I think I subsequently read that the site kindly gives you one from the archives - but at one stage it seemed that I got a great bundle of them.

October 27, 2009, 11:31 AMhuh? why does the site do that? does it do that based on your previous searches of the site, or does it do it based on a random number generator? or maybe mystery computer magic?

October 27, 2009, 04:44 PM@pretzel
It is said to be random; I assume that everyone that has chosen this option in the 'Me' tab gets the same one. The alternative sounds complicated.
October 27, 2009, 10:57 AMI think what happens is that you randomly visit some link/portion of the site, and then a lesson shows up from 2006. I've experienced it as well. I guess I was assuming it was a present from the learning gods, or better yet, it was a benevolent (for a change) computer virus.