A Suspicious Text Message
July 03, 2009, 03:49 AM posted in Transcripts with TalBelow is the link to the transcript for this lesson's podcast, the first one I've done for the Upper Intermediate level
D1194 - A Suspicious Text Message
Feedback, queries, suggestions, (and thanks!) are welcome below.

July 04, 2009, 11:37 PMzhenlijiang,
Sorry,that came out the wrong way.I never thought or meant to imply you were hogging anything.I'm very glad you're getting into this.
Ok,so I've had a look at the last minute of that media lesson and decided that instead of trying to transcribe it that I'd just try and pick out the words I picked up on and post them all,so here goes:

July 03, 2009, 06:53 AMZhenlijian, you are absolutely right. I think / thought that translating myself now is way too difficult, but I will definately give it a try. Yes, why not? The thought did not even cross my mind that I would be able to do that myself hahaha! Thank you :-)

July 03, 2009, 07:00 AMYeah I'm not translating anything (not quite up for that challenge myself yet), only doing 听写. Sure we all can, if we're able to study the lesson, try at least, to transcribe it. 加油加油

July 03, 2009, 07:14 AMI made a mistake in my last post: I meant to say transcribing not translating :-) that might happen in 2011 lol!

July 03, 2009, 10:02 AM姐妹,非常感谢你们的鼓励。真利江,我觉得你说的太对了,我们做听写的人都是自虐狂!反正,如果同学们发现这些讲稿有用的话,我感觉满意了。
It would be great if we started a new fashion! Imagine transcripts coming in from all directions! Is that too much to hope for?!
Actually it is a lot of hard work, I can understand why CPod has never got into doing this. But, it can be an effective way to learn, (there are different ways after all), and it would be cool if we succeeded in generating a little group of transcribing poddies, all proofreading and learning from each other!

July 03, 2009, 10:29 AMYes, "transcripts" are the "new black". I started with the last intermediate lesson and I am almost half way of the podcast. So, to put my money where my mouth is: I did a third of the job interview lesson and put it online HERE. I am not sure if that works, because I never used google docs before. I wil continue in a few hours and try to finish it :-). (damn this is a LOT of work). How do you do you guys find the time?!

July 03, 2009, 11:39 AMThe "new black"! Love it! I've been hoping for years to have an opportunity to use that phrase meaningfully!
加油 Chanelle, but I'm afraid your document doesn't seem to be viewable! You need to 'publish it as a webpage', (this is one of the options when you select to share the document).
When it's complete just post the link again in its own thread, and then it'll become part of the group's transcripts.

July 03, 2009, 12:27 PMRaygo,
Once again,you're a champ mate,so many thanks.This is very helpful.
At the 4m49s mark you have a question mark over a word John said.I'm wondering if you reckon it could be角色 jue2se4..meaning role?

July 03, 2009, 01:05 PMbaba, ha! you're right! Thanks! I've fixed that now!
Actually there are a few places with question marks where I couldn't catch something, you're welcome to help me 'fill in the blanks'!

July 03, 2009, 06:37 AMChanelle,
I've been transcribing the latest Media--way above my level--lesson and my thoughts are, doing transcripts yourself is very very good for learning. Time-consuming and hard work, but it gives you a lot of serious listening practice and I think the vocab sticks better because you're going over the same sentences so many times. It's one thing to hear a spoken sentence or two and get the gist, quite another to be able to capture every syllable accurately.
When I'm done I would of course offer to share, but what I would really appreciate is if a teacher could proofread my work and correct it so that in the end we would have a truly reliable transcript that could serve a purpose beyond just being an excellent exercise for myself. I mean to get my work down to as few errors as possible; hopefully the teacher's work wouldn't be too much, about the same effort I hope as it takes to answer ouxiansheng's questions I see sometimes.
And I hope the same could be done for all of Raygo's great transcripts as well (I think though, going to the teacher only after we students have exhausted our abilities first).
There are still hundreds of transcript-less lessons out there Chanelle, why not pick one you like before Raygo or I get to it? I've said before, it seems to take a certain type. Not all may find it as fun (in a masochistic kind of way) as we do. But who knows, we may soon be fighting over lessons to transcribe ...

July 03, 2009, 05:00 PMRaygo, (the man)
Yes, your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you too, Chanelle. I know how much work it ultimately is to translate from sound only. "The new Black" indeed! Or perhaps in China, would it be "the new Red"? Either way, these translations are "the cat's pajama's" to me!

July 03, 2009, 10:45 PMRJ, currently I am in Europe so it is the "new black" ;-)
I try to finish the lesson tomorrow, tonight my friends made me go out and drink beer sorry! hahaha.

July 03, 2009, 11:42 PMzhenlijiang,
"we may soon be fighting over lessons to transcribe ..."
...I wouldn't view it like this.The more the merrier I always feel.That way ,particularly on those tricky bits that are hard to catch we can compare notes and see which is the best fit.
Also,ever since you and Raygo discussed transcribing the latest media lesson,which in my opinion was very interesting material,I have been tempted to put my hand up and offer to pitch in.But alas,I've been busy trying to catch up on heaps of recent lessons I haven't got around to studying.I was thinking though about what a big undertaking it is transcribing and that I might just have a crack later at doing a minute of it.If there was a group that just wanted to do a minute or whatever here or there then I think that could be cool.I think any such contribution is valuable.But once again I'd like to applaud our fearless leader Raygo who is showing us the light.
btw It is Raygo who has the good ears.Some words are very hard to pick up even when I have his transcript in front of me and lesson several times.And some I can pick up with the aid of his transcript but I think...whoa....good ears Raygo..way to go mate.It's usually those little words sandwiched in there.Perhaps if I do transcribe bits and pieces,someone like Raygo could just fill in the many question marks.But hey,I'm very happy with the current situation.Raygo's transcripts are gold.

July 04, 2009, 12:24 AMBababardwan, of course the more the merrier--! I was joking.
I certainly don't see why you or anyone else couldn't pitch in whatever they felt like? I just think it's good to let each other know though, what particular portion we're going to work on and avoid duplication (of course the more ears the better, but our work is going to get peer reviewed anyway once it's published), well I'd like to know anyway, before I spend too much time laboring, if somebody else is also working on the same section. (I just read Raygo's post below. Totally agree with that)
Sorry if I appeared to be wanting to hog transcribing privileges (!) or something. Not at all. Like I said, I think it's very very good for learning to do this yourself, I wouldn't be the one depriving anyone else of the opportunity. And bits and pieces will be enough work!
And for instance I haven't done the end portion of the Media lesson at all, or the readings, so if you were interesting in helping with that one too you are of course more than welcome. Pls let me know if you feel up to that. (^^)/
Raygo, doesn't that band around your head tighten when that happens?

July 04, 2009, 12:25 AMWhoa my friends... 非常感谢! But... I think I can't get my head through the door now!
I think it would definitely be possible for 2 or more of us to cooperate on a transcription project if people like the idea. One person could do a certain portion, and each person could have their own 'slice'. Afterwards there could be a collective 'proof reading'. It would be a way to cut the work down and boost the learning and teamwork. If anyone has a particular lesson they'd love to see transcribed, just sing out!

July 04, 2009, 12:27 AMYou guys are really diligent. 坚持下去吧,加油!

July 04, 2009, 11:27 AMOk, I finished it. So you should be able to see it here. I am sure there are a lot of mistakes (especially areas that are marked like this), so please feel free to change / comment etcetera. I will make it's own thread as Raygo suggested :-).

July 03, 2009, 04:20 PMwow Chanelle ("the new black"!)--you've already done half of one in the time I went out to class, had dinner and came back!
I'm incredibly slow. And 有一点执着. That's why I've been chewing on mine for a week now. And still only halfway through. I drive my own self a little crazy sometimes. And will not be one of your prolific transcribers.
I'm finding this newest Media lesson really interesting, and this motivates me to improve my listening comprehension to the level where I could somehow keep up at least with Adv. As great as all the Int and Upp Int content is, I'm seeing a little of all the sophistication that is currently inaccessible to me and will be v. happy the day I finally "graduate".
Cheers Raygo for your enthusiasm and consistency. And delivering transcripts in a timely fashion that many poddies really appreciate.
Cheers Bababardwan for good ears and great feedback, do keep it coming!
have a good weekend ALL! Zh.
July 03, 2009, 06:13 AMRaygo, a BIG thank you for this one. I find myself in a transition between INT and UPP (which I find quite challenging) and this is the best help I can imagine!
I think that lesson transcripts are the solution to make it to the next INT UPP ADV and MED lessons. If I remember correctly: I have seen quite some posts about difficulties moving to the mysterious higher Cpod echelons. This might be the solution if you ask me!
I wonder: why does Cpod not give lesson transcripts for all INT and above? If it is workload or motivation (not being able to understand things around you can be crucial to learn new things of course), then maybe it is an option to choose one or two lessons per month to help making the transition?
Any thoughts on this?