Media 无性婚姻 (false start)
January 03, 2011, 09:08 AM posted in Transcripts with TalThe current post for this lesson transcript is HERE.
Raygo, 你这星期忙吗?正在写起中级课程吗?
It happens that I found myself in a transcribing mood, and actually started doing this week's Media lesson--which normally I wouldn't think to do. But if you've listened, I think this week's is considerably easier than usual. I only have the first 3 minutes (minus the reading) now, and was wondering, if as a one-off thing you would consider splitting this one with me?
I know it's extremely obnoxious of me to ask this, especially after I'd already started on my own. I know all your work on the transcripts is 100 percent voluntary and something you do for yourself, and it's only from your generosity that you share with us. And that it's only fun for you to the extent that you choose whichever one you want to, and do them and share them when you please.
I'm sure people who study Media lessons don't want transcripts anyway. I'm just finding the exercise good for myself.
If you'd rather not co-transcribe or have no time, I totally understand. But then you could help spot mistakes when I'm done though? What do you say. And pls be assured--I won't bug you with any further "offers". This would be strictly one-off.

July 18, 2009, 01:13 PMActually I think it looks pretty damn good, don't be too self-critical. If you want more space between the lines you can click Edit (on the Tool Bar) and then Document Styles, and make some changes to the line spacing or just play around, see what you get.
Personally I usually just start working on a transcript in MS Word, usually I'll finish it that way but on occasions I've uploaded a half-done one and just finished it in Google docs. Whatever kind of doc you upload, the formatting always seems to get altered in some way, (you get warned about this but it's still annoying in my opinion.)
If I've added links in Word I'll usually tidy them up in Google docs as well, add rollovers and so on. 哎哟,我太完美主义了!开玩笑!但愿如此!

June 25, 2009, 12:10 AMIt's on my "to do" list!

June 25, 2009, 01:16 AMraygo
the word is out that you are on vac now :-). Is it hot down there yet?

June 25, 2009, 01:57 AM哇,news travels fast! It certainly is hot down here now! For a pale-skinned Brit like me anyway! It's funny, when I lived in the UK I always looked forward to the summer, longed for it actually. In China I dread it coming, it's the season for super-high humidity, sweating like a pig all day and over-dependence on the air-conditioning!

June 25, 2009, 08:47 AMRaygo I didn't mean to give you homework! I'm in no hurry at all. And in fact have been given things to do myself that are taking time away fm transcribing. Pls do stay work-free while on vacation. 祝你们度假快乐

June 25, 2009, 08:57 AMzhenlijiang - it's cool! I don't plan to take a vacation from learning Chinese! I enjoy it and I must do it! Anyway I'm listening to the lesson you're interested in now, and whilst I'm surprised by how much I do understand (that must be a good sign right?!) I do think it would be a massive jump in level for me to (try and) transcribe it. (I really am just an intermediate level student still I'm afraid! )
Don't give up on your own efforts, let's keep in touch (PM me if you'd like to communicate privately), and maybe as I said we can get a section of transcripts for more advanced lessons going.
I'd be more than happy if others want to produce transcripts (even partial ones) which could be added to this group. And that way the group will grow and thrive over time.

June 25, 2009, 02:34 PMRaygo,
a massive jump in level for me to (try and) transcribe it. (I really am just an intermediate level student still I'm afraid!
Well so am I. Hmm maybe I'm flattering myself. Anyway I'll keep at it and holler when I have something for you to look at--Thx!

June 26, 2009, 02:37 AMI'm gonna give that lesson a good study too, so do keep me posted!

July 07, 2009, 12:44 PM@raygo
I've been inspired by this transcription effort & want to jump on the bandwagon. I'm going to have a go at UI - My scooter won't start (technical interest.) :-)
I once spoke out against CP publishing transcripts for students but I agree that doing the transcript yourself is a good 听写 experience. What with work and all it won't be finished too quickly.

June 24, 2009, 03:44 PMRaygo, yes I know what you mean re Media lessons, but you write so much better than I do. So when you're done with Lao Wang pls try and give 无性婚姻 a listen. I am NOT Media level. I'm not even Upper Inter. I think you'll see what I mean; it isn't easy, and it should take a lot longer than an Intermediate transcript, but this one isn't impossible like other Media lessons are.
I won't even be done with the first half (which may be the slightly easier half actually...) until late Friday afternoon. So no pressure, pls take your time w/Lao Wang then let me know what you think. (゜-゜)

July 07, 2009, 02:29 PMIt's great to have you 'on the team' bodawei! But please, that font and/or layout you're using to post your messages is so hard to read!

July 08, 2009, 07:53 AM@raygo
apologise for the font - I have come to the conculsion that my ancient Dell laptop (nearly 3 years old) needs a blood tranfusion (a re-loaded operating system). It switches to that weird font without my permission; once it arrives it cannot be asked to leave until I reboot!
PS. I'm also going to have a go at the 'Negotiating Rent' lesson. Now, .. less talk, more action.

July 08, 2009, 08:36 AM@bodawei sometimes I get the same wierd font! It has something to do with your pinyin input and the MS language bar. When you switch between 英 and 中 with the shift button, this is what you get。 If i click the "CH" with the little "v" in front and pres NL (Dutch) the strange font disappears. I guess in your case it should be "EN". Hope this helps...
Btw I am running Vista on a new ASUS so it probably is not be your notebook but some weird MS thing ;-) i guess you are running Win right? ps the shift between my normal font and this strange font seems totally random :-) sometimes it works fins, sometime not....

July 08, 2009, 08:52 AM@chanelle77
I think you are right, because I did not have this problem before I started using the Microsoft pinyin input (previously I used ABC.)
My problem is that when I click the EN it does not go back to normal. I think it is either a bug (sorry, 'feature') of Microsoft, or my software has become corrupted. It is an intermittent problem (the worst kind.)
Yes I have XP on my laptop. Actually my wife has a new ASUS too - one of those cool little eee PC 1000H laptops, pretty good. I like it particularly because it is so small and light,.. I just checked with her and she does have the same font problem occasionally. She just logs out and goes back in; I will tell her your solution, thanks.

July 18, 2009, 06:52 AMOK, I'm finally releasing this first draft now. Unfortunately I'm sure it's rife with mistakes (the listening comprehension got much harder for me in the second half), even in the areas I have not marked as "uncertain or likely to be wrong". I've worked on this long enough now though, and would like to ask for help in completing this transcript.
If any of you have any interest, feedback or help to offer it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

July 18, 2009, 07:31 AM真利江,太好了! I shall be lending my ear! I'm sure I'll learn a lot too.

July 18, 2009, 08:16 AM(^^ゞ

July 18, 2009, 08:26 AM谢谢你 Raygo, and no pressure! I will be posting the link on the lesson discussion too, and also later asking teachers to, well give me the answers basically, to fill in last remaining bits once I do give up. But I would be really pleased if other poddies came to help first!
I'm sure it's plain to anyone who can follow this lesson--I have no idea what I'm doing in the section explaining the term 不完整同志, starting at 7:20.
Apart from the lesson vocab there's a lot of other good vocab and I would eventually like to provide dictionary links and such on those as well, as you have been doing in your transcripts. Maybe in the next draft which hopefully will get cleaned up a good bit.
Does it make any difference if I upload an RTF or an HTML? What I want to know is, is there any way to give the text a bit more room to breathe between the lines? It's really hard to read as it is, isn't it.

July 07, 2009, 01:41 PMhee hee another "受虐狂者" among us I see! This is great!
OK mine I think will finally be ready to show tomorrow evening. It will definitely require input from other eyes and ears.
June 24, 2009, 12:23 PMZhenlijiang, good heavens! In fact, I'm right in the middle of Lao Wang and his dodgy offer right now. As you know I have been focusing exclusively on Intermediate lessons so far. I've only tried to listen to one Media lesson and found it above my head at my current level of Chinese!
How about you finish the rest, I can check through if you like, but if you yourself are happy with it we can upload it to the web and post it here as a link? We might then even start getting a collection of transcripts for the more challenging lessons together?
Or if you really need my help let me get the latest Lao Wang out of the way and then I'll check it out? Should finish Lao Wang by tomorrow lunchtime (China time).
PS. By the way I'm flattered to be 'bugged' by you! You can do it whenever you like!