doesn't keep my iphone awake???
November 25, 2014, 02:48 AM posted in General DiscussionWhen I'm playing a lesson on my iphone while I'm at the gym or walking somewhere, the lesson will suddenly turn off b/c my phone is set to automatically lock after a certain amount of minutes without being "used." When listening to music or podcasts, this is never a problem. Is this a bug in your software or do I need to change a setting?
I really don't want to change my phone's auto-lock settings ea. time I use ChinesePod b/c it's quite dangerous if I forget to turn it back on, and my phone gets stolen.
Any help here?

November 25, 2014, 08:10 PMThanks - I will try it.
November 25, 2014, 03:53 AMHi Margot, can you please try deleting the app, and re-downloading it. This fixes that problem in 95% of casses while we work on an updated app.
Let me know if that works.