July 06, 2011, 05:10 AM posted in General DiscussionI have no idea if the title is correct lol.
But anyway, hello, I'm Nick and I though I would introduce myself finally, as I joined here maybe a month-two month ago after I finished uni, as a language-exchange partner recommended it to me for learning tones (damn 4th tone lol) and I have to admit, I really enjoy coming here instead of reading from the books I bought awhile back. At this current time I'm not subscribed to the payed service as I'm just at the newbie level and progressing through that, but I think I'll definatly subscribe once I'm done!
Also I was wondering if anyone has any tips for remembering tones? As I'm currently keeping a journal of every lesson I do, yet when it comes to talking any (I work weekends at my Chinese friends shop) I tend to forget tones...Is that normal?
Hopefully I can contripute to some of the posts on here and it will keep me motivated.

July 06, 2011, 03:10 PMHello,
my advice is to practise one of the tones for a long time,and then change to another.
to listen to the audio lessons,especially the vocab lessons,then put the tones on the Pinyin.
Try to remember the tomes of the most usefully vocab,for example,ni3hao3,chi1fan4,hui2jia1,zai4jian4,etc.
The 3rd tone is usually regarded as the most difficult one,however what you need to do is just to remember the "half-3rd tone."

July 07, 2011, 01:21 AM谢谢,
I think thats a good idea that I learn the terms for the 声调, I'll be sure to write them down!
I'm not sure if I'm correct, but I noticed in the newbie lessons that some words use the 3rd tone twice in a row, for example: 我很好. I was under the impression that when there are more than 1 3rd tone the others become 4th tones? Or is that simple the "half 3rd tone" mentioned above?

hi when two 3rd tones are put together,we will change the first one to a second tone.
for example, we will say "ni2 hao3" rather than "ni3 hao3"which sounds a little weird.
and also
BUT,"half 3rd tone" is something else.

Excellent, I understand. I heard it somewhere a while back and was confused a little why some of CPod's newbie lessons lessons use ni3hao3 lol.
Thanks again :)
July 06, 2011, 09:33 AMHi Nick
My advice for learning and remembering 声调 shēngdiào (tones) is constant feedback from native speakers. (It sounds like you have some native speakers to talk to.) This is a hard road because 'rules' are quite often broken and there are regional differences.
I recommend you learn a few words for tones so that you can interact with native speakers:
一声调 (1st tone),二声调 (second tone),三声调 (third tone),四声调 (fourth tone),没有声调 (no tone)
You can abbreviate once the context is clear and just say
Write what you learn in a notebook and keep practicing.. good luck!