Article Translation
May 25, 2011, 08:35 AM posted in General DiscussionHello All,
Recently, in a bid to fend off learning boredom and switch up the old routine a bit I have decided to start reading and translating some small news articles.
I will post the first article below to share the fruit of my labour with everyone.
While translating I decided to write out the meaning for each new word as it appears. Repeated words were not relisted.
This is my first translation so may be a bit off in places. It took me a long time to get through but I am hoping that will speed up over time as I expect to hit similar vocab if I stick to Football news for a bit.
Enjoy, and please let me know if you spot any errors.
If manage to get something out of this I might even make a group out of it.

May 25, 2011, 08:39 AMBREAKDOWN
歐冠盃決賽 梅西充電完畢狀況佳
Champions League Final – Messi rested and in good condition
歐冠盃 = ōu guān bēi European Championship (champions league)
決賽 = jué sài Cup Final
梅西 = méixī Messi
充 電 = chōng diàn To Charge / Charging
完畢 = wánbì Complete
狀況佳 = zhuàngkuàng jiā Good Condition
Reuters – Barcelona 23rd
路透 = lùtòu Reuters
巴塞隆納 = bāsèlóngnà Barcelona
隊 = duì team
日電 = rìdiàn (23)rd
西班牙巴塞隆納隊(Barcelona)28日將在歐洲冠軍盃決賽與英格蘭曼徹斯特聯隊 (Manchester United)對決,巴塞隆納過去幾週讓前鋒梅西多休息備戰,這位世界足球先生表示,他如今狀況甚佳。
On the 28th Spain’s Barcelona will face England’s Manchester United at the Champions League final. In preparation Barcelona have been resting Messi over the past few weeks. Now the world footballer of the year has said that he is in very good condition.
西班牙 = xībānyá Spain
將 = jiāng adverb “will”
在 = zài at
歐洲 = ōuzhōu Europe
冠軍 = guānjūn championship
與 = yǔ and / take part in/ with
英格蘭 = yīnggélán England
曼徹斯特聯 = mànchèsītè lián Manchester United
對決 = duìjué Showdown
過去 = guòqù Over the past
幾週 = jǐ zhōu few weeks
讓 = ràng let/permit
前鋒 = qiánfēng forward (football position)
多 = duō more
休息 = xiūxī rest
備戰 = bèizhàn prepare
這位 = Zhèwèi This/The (person)
世界 = shìjiè world
足球 = zúqiú football
先生 = xiānshēng Mr
表示 = biǎoshì Said
他 = tā he
如今 = rújīn today/now/nowadays
甚佳 = shènjiā very good
The 23 year old Argentine striker has already scored 11 goals in the champion’s league this season has consecutively been the European events top goal scorer. In the 2009 competition Barcelona beat Manchester United 2-0, at that time Messi scored the team’s second goal.
歲 = suì years old
阿根廷 = āgēntíng Argentina
國腳 = guójiǎo Striker (football position)
本季 = běnjì Season
已= yǐ Already
攻進11球 = gōngjìn 11 qiú Score 11 goals (lit: attacked in 11 balls)
連續 = liánxù continuously
年 = nián year
名列 = míng liè ranked
這項 = zhèxiàng The/this
頂尖 = dǐngjiān Top
賽事 = sài shì Events
王 = wǎng king/Great
比賽 = bǐsài competition
以2比0 = yǐ 2 bǐ 0… 2-0
獲勝 = huòshèng Win/be victorious
當時 = dāngshí then/at that time
During Barcelona’s last two race for the Spanish top league, Messi was only present on the sidelines as a spectator. At a press conference Messi said “I had hoped to be able to play in those games but not playing was also good for me. I am completely rested and now we are can start again.
甲級 = jiǎjí First Division/A grade
聯賽 = liánsai League
最後 = zuìhòu last/finally/final
場賽事 = chǎngsàishì race
都 = dōu all
只= zhǐ only
場邊 = chǎngbiān sidelines (competition)
觀戰 = guānzhàn Spectator(s)
記者會 jìzhe huì Press Conference
我 = wǒ I/me
也 = yě also
希望 = xīwàng Hope
能 = néng can
那些 = nàxiē Those
比賽 = bǐsài games/matches
上場= shàngchǎng to play (in a match/contest)
但不 = dànbù but not
對 = duì treat (a person)
有 = yǒu have
好處 = hǎochù benefits
獲得 = huòdé Get/obtain
充分 = chōngfēn full/ample/complete
我們 = wǒmén we
可以 = kěyǐ can
再 = zài again
出發 = chūfā Start.
May 25, 2011, 08:39 AMArticle:
歐冠盃決賽 梅西充電完畢狀況佳
(路透巴塞隆納隊23日電)西班牙巴塞隆納隊(Barcelona)28日將在歐洲冠軍盃決賽與英格蘭曼徹斯特聯隊(Manchester United)對決,巴塞隆納過去幾週讓前鋒梅西多休息備戰,這位世界足球先生表示,他如今狀況甚佳。
Champions League Final – Messi rested and in good condition
On the 28th Spain’s Barcelona will face England’s Manchester United at the Champions League final. In preparation Barcelona have been resting Messi over the past few weeks. Now the world footballer of the year has said that he is in very good condition.
The 23 year old Argentine striker has already scored 11 goals in the champion’s league this season has consecutively been the European events top goal scorer. In the 2009 competition Barcelona beat Manchester United 2-0, at that time Messi scored the team’s second goal.
During Barcelona’s last two race for the Spanish top league, Messi was only present on the sidelines as a spectator. At a press conference Messi said “I had hoped to be able to play in those games but not playing was also good for me. I am completely rested and now we are can start again.”