November 28, 2010, 02:23 AM posted in General DiscussionHi Grace,
I'm trying to translate some sentences into English that I read in a book. Are these translations correct? Thanks.
Tā jīntiān liǎngdiàn chī le yī wǎn fàn. (Today, I at 2pm ate one bowl of food.)
Wǒ zhè ge yuè yǐjīng chī le èrshísǎn wǎn fàn le (I already this month have eaten 23 bowls of food).
Wǒ méitiān chīfān, chī yī ge bàn ge xiǎoshí (Everyday, I eat, eat for a half hour).
Wǒ méitiān zhōngwǔ yund4dòng liǎng ge xiǎo shí (Everyday, I exercise for 2 hours at noon).
Tā yǐjīng gōngzuò le bā ge xiǎoshí le (He has already worked 8 hours up to now).
Wǒ yī ge xīngqī méi shàngkè le (I haven't been to class in a week).
Shàng ge xīngqī wǒ yǒu liǎng tiān méi shàng kè (last week I didn't have class for 2 days).
Thanks for your help.

thanks Grace!
November 29, 2010, 04:18 AMHi Fred,
I made some small corrections:
Tā jīntiān liǎngdiàn chī le yī wǎn fàn. (Today, I at 2pm ate one bowl of food.)——
Tā jīntiān liǎngdiǎn chīle yīwǎn fàn.(He ate one bowl of food/rice at 2pm today.)
Wǒ zhè ge yuè yǐjīng chī le èrshísǎn wǎn fàn le (I already this month have eaten 23 bowls of food).——wǒ zhègèyuè yǐjīng chīle èrshísān wǎn fàn le.(I already have eaten 23 bowls of food/rice this month.)
Wǒ méitiān chīfān, chī yī ge bàn ge xiǎoshí (Everyday, I eat, eat for a half hour).——wǒ měitiān chīfàn chīyīgè bàn xiǎoshí.(Everyday, I eat for one and a half hours.)
wǒ měitiān chīfàn chī bàngè xiǎoshí.(Everyday, I eat for a half hour.)
Wǒ méitiān zhōngwǔ yund4dòng liǎng ge xiǎo shí (Everyday, I exercise for 2 hours at noon).
——wǒ měitiān zhōngwǔ yùndòng liǎnggè xiǎoshí.(Everyday, I exercise for 2 hours at noon.)
Tā yǐjīng gōngzuò le bā ge xiǎoshí le (He has already worked 8 hours up to now).——Tā yǐjīng gōngzuò le bāgè xiǎoshí le.(He has already worked for 8 hours up to now.)
Wǒ yī ge xīngqī méi shàngkè le (I haven't been to class in a week).——Wǒ yīgè xīngqī méi shàngkè le.(I haven't been to class for a week.)
Shàng ge xīngqī wǒ yǒu liǎng tiān méi shàng kè (last week I didn't have class for 2 days).——Shànggè xīngqī wǒ yǒu liǎngtiān méi shàngkè.(I didn't attent class for 2 days last week.)
Hope it helps!