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Go to the Emergency Room 去看急诊

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ID: 4086 Intermediate
This very useful lesson gives us some practical information about going to an emergency department in China today. As this is an intermediate lesson, a more detailed translation is provided in the written dialog section. We have also included terms for the various medical departments in a hospital.
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
急诊 jízhěn emergency call
内科 nèikē internal medicine
保险 bǎoxiǎn insurance; to insure; safe
医疗 yīliáo medical treatment
bèijǐng jièshào :zài Zhōngguó rènhé yī ge chéngshì ,rúguǒ yùdào shòushāng ,huòzhě fā gāoshāo 、dùzi téng 、fùxiè děng zhè yīlèi de qíngkuàng ,shì bù xūyào yùyuē jiù kěyǐ zhíjiē kàn jízhěn de 。
Background introduction: In any city in China, if you are injured, or if you have a high fever, stomach ache, diarrhea, etc., you do not need an appointment to go directly to the emergency department.
rúguǒ qíngkuàng fēicháng jǐnjí xūyào hūjiào jiùhùchē ,fèiyòng yě shì hěn dī de ,tóng yī ge chéngshì nèi měi yī tāng chūchē bùhuì chāoguò liángbǎi yuán rénmínbì 。
If the situation is very urgent and you need to call an ambulance, the cost will be very low. Each trip in the same city will not exceed 200 RMB.
rúguǒ kěyǐ zìjǐ zǒudòng ,jiànyì jiào yī liàng chūzūchē ,qǐng sījī dài nǐ dào zuìjìn de yǒu jízhěn de zōnghéxìng yīyuàn 。
If you can move around on your own, it is advisable to call a taxi and ask the driver to take you to the nearest emergency general hospital.
shíjiān :qīngchén liùdiǎn
Time: 6:00 early morning.
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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