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人机合一(二)Android Part 2

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Brief Lesson Summaries
A brief introduction of the lesson will always tell you what this lesson is about and what language level is the intended target. If you're interested in the subject, but might not be able to understand it in full, fear not; we have transcripts of lesson dialogues vocabulary so you can follow along.
ID: 4095 Advanced
This lesson is the second part of our Android series, which takes a satirical look at customer-no-service. Our author, Xiao Yao, introduces us to different types of people we meet when we approach a counter needing help. In this lesson, she provides her own explanation of her article. Her article illustrates modern uses of traditional phrases and ends with a punch line, making digging into the text well worth the effort. Some of the words have alternate meanings than you would find in a dictionary, and some are current millennial Internet slang. 在上一个课程,第一段大意是对一些官僚机构的办事效率慢,消极懈怠的工作态度,进行了生动的描述。 而这里第二段内容讲述了人们遭遇了官僚机构的排斥和打压之后,会向往与机器人沟通,因为无论如何,机器人都不会有坏情绪,不会怼人,不会没有耐心,机器人会按照输入的程序认真回答每个问题。可是,你会喜欢和一个没有人性机器人聊天还是你可能宁愿和一个有血有肉怒气冲冲的人说话? 在这部分的解说里,作家肖遥和小黑同学还就人类能否和机器人谈恋爱进行了讨论,这些讨论深入浅出,非常有趣,十分精彩。
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
mán barbarian; bullying; very
正派 zhèngpài upright
见仁见智 jiànrénjiànzhì opinions differ (idiom)
网罗殆尽 wǎngluódànjìn here means all incorporate, no one left out
yěxǔ háiyǒu dìsìzhǒng qíngkuàng ,yě jiùshì ,tiānxià zuì jípǐn de qiántái bànshì rényuán dōu yǐjīng bèi wǒmen jīgòu wǎngluódànjìn le ,
Perhaps there is a fourth situation, that is, we have already enlisted the weirdest office staff in the world,
suǒyǐ ,yùdào rènhé yī ge rén dōu bǐ lǎo Q zhèngpài ,bǐ xiǎomī rèqíng ,bǐ xiǎo F yīnqín ,zuìhǎo shì jíbiàn pītóu wènhòu qí mǔqīn ,yě bù shēngqì bù huízuǐ gèng bù kū ,zuì hǎoxiàng jiālǐ hǒng háizi yòng de iPad ,
so whoever you meet will be more decent than Old Q, more enthusiastic than Xiaomi, and more hospitable than Small F. Even when you insult the desk lady's mother, she is not angry, she doesn't talk back, she doesn't cry, it's like using an iPad at home to coax children.
nǐ wèn tā nǐ shì rén ma ?tā shuō :mán jiējìn le shuō :nǐ bù guāi tā shuō :nǐ shuō jiàngjiùjiàng 。qiǎnzé tā nǐ de fúwù hěnchà tā hái huì màiméng nǐ zhēnde nàme xiǎng ma ?
You ask it, "Are you human?" It says: "Quite close." and you say, "You are not good." It says: "If you say so, so be it." When you condemn it:"Your service is very poor," it will act cute and ask, "Do you really think so?"
jíbiàn tīngdào zài nántīng de huà ,tā yě huì xīntài jíhǎo :jiànrénjiànzhì ba 。
Even though it hears hurtful words, it will have a great attitude and say, "Each is entitled to his own opinion."
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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