User Comments - root

Posted on: What Do You Want To Eat?
November 02, 2015, 10:31 AMJust wondering if anyone else has any explanation for zhè ge méiyǒu le 这个没有了 -- word order is reversed from the normal SVO order for méiyǒu zhè ge 没有这个 ?
Is there are rule for this , perhaps it is addressed in a different lesson, or a grammar point ?
Posted on: After a Car Accident
August 21, 2014, 09:54 PMJust a comment, skipping the queue (also called late merging) is the law in the US, at least in several states. Traffic studies find it reduces congestion, which police prefer over seeming rude. See
Posted on: Schedule Adjustments
August 16, 2014, 12:43 AMi am not hearing the "k" sound in 考试 either, maybe we need better speakers / headphones ?
Posted on: The Handover
August 10, 2014, 08:06 AMHi David, how about 开除, is there a difference with 把某个人炒了 or 解雇某个人 ? I did this lesson and i only saw this one so far开除
Posted on: Calculating Salaries
August 10, 2014, 08:02 AMDialog seems to have a problem:
B: 对,再乘以你的加班时间,10。再乘以1.5。就是你的加班工资。
(That's right. Then multiply the number by your overtime hours, 10, then multiply by 1.5. It equals 517.2. That's your overtime pay.)
looks like Chinese is missing the "It equals 517.2" sentence.
Posted on: Letting it All Out
August 04, 2014, 02:50 PM对着 -- to be continually facing (smth), with the 着 meaning the continually part, I think
Posted on: Changing your Profile Picture
August 02, 2014, 02:24 PMNo problem, I think the more official term is 'auxiliary verb', like will, or do. Btw, I think a lot of the confusion here is caused by the English translation, 'You can choose the place to meet.' It should be more along the lines, 'Why don't you...' Or 'How about you choose ...'
Posted on: Internet Upgrades
August 01, 2014, 03:45 PMThe translation is "you play this game everyday. Don't you feel it's boing?"
there should be a space between every and day
boing should be boring
Posted on: Changing your Profile Picture
August 01, 2014, 03:44 AMExcellent question, applejan9, although not covered in grammar pages or wiki, this use of 来 is definitely a pattern.
i am only a UI student, so my explanation could be very wrong, but here: it seems to be used in imperative phrases to soften the order. This means, the phrase would still work without the 来, but would sound like barking an order. I am not clear what the exact rule would be when you can use it, so I am, too, hoping for a more clear explanation in this page. Again, great question.
ps The closest thing to an explanation I can find is here, I think it's part of the same pattern
Posted on: Asking About Prices
November 02, 2015, 10:41 AMIs there a rule for when you need to use count words and when not ?
For example, here's a yǒu with a count word
tā yǒu yī běn zìdiǎn
and here's a yǒu with no count words
nǐ yǒu shǒujī ma
What is the full list of situations when you don't use the count words?