User Comments - rlonneman63

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Posted on: Weighing Yourself on the Street
January 27, 2012, 09:49 AM

By the way, where are these weigh stations?  I've been here almost 2 years, and I've never seen one.  I was thinking about buying a scale for my personal exercise monitoring.  Heck, if I can get the result for free on the street while practicing vocab from this lesson, I'm there!

Posted on: Weighing Yourself on the Street
January 27, 2012, 09:43 AM

Are you sure you calculated the BMI correctly? I fear you forgot to convert the kilograms into pounds, which would then result in a BMI of approximately 16.

The actual BMI is 32, which can be defined as obese. Think about it, you've got a person who is 5 ft 8 in and over 200 pounds. That's not healthy.

Personally, I agree with your comment that for Chinese women too thin is desirable. I regularly hear from petite friends that they want to lose weight or their parents urge them to lose weight.

What I find most intriguing is the difference in pressure between gender. While the average girl toils over her 外表 appearance and 身材 figure, guys seem to fall out of bed, wrinkled and unkempt and it's acceptable.

Anyone else seen the sleeping hair on their coworker (that part in the back that sticks straight up? It comes from sleeping and seems only to be remedied by a thorough wash as no amount of gel will get that little patch to stay down.)

Oh, China. :-D

Posted on: Taking the HSK
January 25, 2012, 02:19 PM

he2xu4, if you're still there. I've found the following series of test prep books very useful

It'll be a very accurate representation of the new test.

Posted on: Taking the HSK
January 25, 2012, 02:15 PM


In the belief that the dialogue continues beyond just the initial posting period, I'd like to add that the new HSK is not intimidating.  There are 6 different levels; choose the appropriate level, and it's completely manageable.  It's well adapted to the European language standards (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). 

Why? For those interested in studying at a Chinese university, passing Level 4 is sufficient for proving language sufficiency.  Level 4's relation to Chinesepod?  I passed Level 4 and personally find the Intermediate of little difficulty and Upper Intermediate still a bit challenging (I always want to check the script.)

Each level requires double the number of characters of the previous level

Level 1--150 characters (pinyin used)

Level 2--300 characters (pinyin used)

Level 3--600

Level 4--1,200

Level 5--2,500+ (Advanced; Able to read a Chinese newspaper)

Level 6--5,000+ (Basically equal to an educated Chinese native)

Vocabulary lists are available free here:

Again, this post relies on the fact that people peruse for content relevant to their interests. Good luck on the test!

Posted on: Piano Class
January 19, 2012, 11:12 AM

How timely!  I joined yesterday and stumbled on this lesson. Coincidentally, I have my first Chinese piano lesson tomorrow. (Having played for 10+ years I know all the words in English but, until this lesson, had no way to communicate them in Chinese.)  Thank you!