Intermediate - Earthquake Evacuation
May 30, 2013, 07:09 AM posted in Transcripts with TalLesson here.

John: Hey Intermediate listeners, you're listening to ChinesePod. I'm John.
Vera: 大家好,我是 Vera。
John: And today we've got a lesson, its kind of a serious topic. Its about earthquakes.
Vera: 对的。因为最近有地震。
John: 地震, two 4th tones, that is 'earthquake'.
Vera: 是的。最近呢,大家可能听说了,在四川是有一个比较大的地震。
John: And before there was an even bigger 地震。This is in the news a lot, Chinese people are talking about it a lot, and it wouldn't hurt to learn a bit more vocabulary.

May 30, 2013, 07:13 AM0:30-1:00

May 30, 2013, 07:15 AM1:00-1:30


May 30, 2013, 07:16 AM1:30-2:00

John: So right in the beginning we hear 地震了。地震了。地震 is a noun meaning 'earthquake', so what is the 了 doing exactly?
Vera: 在这里呢,'了'就是情况改变了。状态改变了。
John: The situation has changed. There wasn't an earthquake, now there is an eartquake so 地震了。地震了。
Vera: 对的。
John: But still, its not a verb.
Vera: 但是地震呢是可以做动词的。
John: So 地震 means, in this case,'there is an earthquake'. So you don't say 有地震。

May 30, 2013, 07:24 AM2:00-2:30

Vera: 不会。
John: OK. So what should they do in the case of an earthquake?
Vera: 别慌,赶快跑。
John: 别慌。慌, that's 1st tone.
Vera: 对。慌。
John: And that means to panic.
Vera: 所以'别慌'就是 'don't panic'。
John: That sounds like something that can be very useful in everyday life, telling people to calm down. Like people in line at the grocery store - 别慌。
Vera: 但是我觉得没用。
John: But you can say it, it might make you feel better. So then ...

May 30, 2013, 07:33 AM2:30-3:00

Vera: 别躲在桌子下面,快跑。
John: Don't hide under the table. Run.
Vera: 对。
John: So the verb for 'hide' is ...
Vera: 躲。
John: 3rd tone.
Vera: 第三声。
John: 躲。Now normally when you have a place, you put it before the verb. Like 在上海工作。
Vera: 是的。
John: But here we have 躲在桌子下面。
Vera: 这个动词呢,有点像:放在,坐在。

May 30, 2013, 07:39 AM3:00-3:30

John: So certain verbs where there is a very clear direction, a destination for your action ...
Vera: 对的。
John: ... they put the 在 after the verb.
Vera: 是的。躲[嘛]就是在这个地方,[??]
John: So 躲 is one of those verbs. You can put 在 after it. But could you say 在桌子下面躲?
Vera: 一般不会。
John: Sounds a little strange. So anyway, they need to evacuate, so then they talk about how to evacuate.

May 30, 2013, 08:07 AM3:30-4:00

Vera: 不能坐电梯。要走楼梯。
John: This 不能 is not saying its impossible, its saying you're not allowed, you really shouldn't.
Vera: 对。
John: 'You shouldn't take the elevator'. How do you say that?
Vera: 坐电梯。
John: So 坐, like 'ride'.
Vera: 第四声。
John: Even though you're standing. And then 电梯 - the tones are ...
Vera: 电梯。第四声,第一声。

May 30, 2013, 08:13 AM4:00-4:30

John: And then 'take the stairs'. How do we say that?
Vera: 走楼梯。
John: So 'walk the stairs'. So 楼梯 is 2nd tone - 1st tone.
Vera: 对。
John: But I've got to ask, you 'ride' the elevator, you 'walk' the stairs. What about an escalator?
Vera: 也是'坐'。
John: 坐。
Vera: 对。坐电梯。
John: What if the escalator breaks?
Vera: 那就是走电梯了。就是有看你自己有没有动。
John: So you're saying even if the escalator's not broken, if you're walking up the escalator then you use 走。

May 30, 2013, 08:20 AM4:30-5:00

Vera: 对。这个可以走。
John: If you're just standing there you use 坐。
Vera: 对的。
John: Good to know. Then there's something about shoes. What happens?
Vera: 我穿高跟鞋,走不动。
John: The girl says she's wearing high heels.
Vera: 是的。
John: What's the word for that?
Vera: 高跟鞋。
John: 1-1-2, 高跟鞋。And then 走不动。From my own experience, I often hear this if people are climbing up a mountain and they're really tired, they say 走不动。I can't walk any further.
May 30, 2013, 07:05 AM0:00-0:30