April 10, 2013, 02:21 AM posted in Transcripts with Taloops.

Ah, thanks for that. I was looking for a way to delete it for the time-being.
Yes - the current catalogue is a bit messy, and I did say at the time that I'd tidy it up and re-publish. The PDF you posted with the list of intermediate transcripts finally gave me the impetus to get on and do this. You can see a preview here if you like. Unfortunately, when I tried to copy it over to the post, I kept getting a message saying something like the post can't exceed 5000 characters (even trying just a few lessons at a time). I think it must be counting all the HTML code for the links (formatting???) as characters.
Anyway, I'll have a play around and see if I can get it sorted.

Sorry, I guess I didn't read your initial post carefully enough.
Just wondering, is there a way of creating an online database that can be added to by anyone [but otherwise only edited by the administrator(s)] and that sorts automatically, that we can link to from here.

Sorry, no idea about that (IT stuff isn't one of my strengths). My plan was just to make another post (similar to the original catalogue - just with everything tidied up) that would supersede the current one.

I think I'm the guilty party for most of the grey-shaded intermediates - started but not yet finished. I've been taking a break from transcripts recently but will try to get round to finishing those off at some point. I keep meaning to get into the UI and Advanced transcripts when I finally get some time, since to be honest I'm no longer getting any benefit from the Intermediate transcripts and the time spent doing them would be more value-add on a UI/Advanced I think.

I've had time to play around now, and think I've got a solution. I'll publish it in a while.

HI Chris, I agree. It's time to get into the UI and Advanced. Look forward to working with you 加油。
Actually, I didn't realize other people could see the contents of this post yet (as it was saved as draft and disappeared from the comments sections). I was just messing around with the format. I'll make another post for the new catalogue shortly.

加油, 我也很期待

Hey Chris,
If you have time, do you fancy helping out with this one?
The Play's the Thing - Transcript collabotation.
I think it's one of my favourite Upper-Intermediate lessons.

Hi mate, will try to take a look. Work busy at moment which is keeping me away. Must admit I have little to no interest in theatre - but that said, I'm increasingly finding that chinesepod lessons whose title generates little interest in me actually have great grammar and language patterns!

No worries mate. Only if you feel like it. BTW, I don't think you have to be a theatre buff to appreciate this one. As they so often do, CPod has their own take on the subject, and does a good job of making it fun and interesting (even if your not particularly interested in the topic).
April 09, 2013, 11:54 AMHi toianw,
I saw your original post here, and I do think we need a new catalog. But if you really want this post to disappear, you CAN delete it. Go to your list of posts, select the edit pencil on the right hand side of this post (I guess you already found it to have changed this post). But this time select 'Save to Draft'. Then go again to your list of posts. This time a trash can will appear next to the pencil for this post. Click the trash can to delete the post, and it will vanish (along with this reply by me).