Intermediate - The Life of a Programmer
February 26, 2013, 02:38 AM posted in Transcripts with TalLesson here.

John: Hey guys, this is an Intermediate lesson on ChinesePod. My name is John.
Dilu: 大家好,我是Dilu。
John: And today we've got a lesson for all you programmers out there.
Dilu: 对。今天我们是要聊一聊程序员。程序员。
John: That's the word for 'programmer'.
Dilu: 对。程序。第二声和第四声。
John: That's 'program'.
Dilu: 对。员。第二声。就是一个人程序员。
John: That's the word for 'programmer'. Its not going to figure largely in this dialog, because we're actually going to be listening in on the life of a programmer.

February 26, 2013, 02:42 AM0:30-1:00

February 26, 2013, 02:44 AM1:00-1:30


February 26, 2013, 02:44 AM1:30-2:00

John: Right off the bat, this girl catches the programmer sleeping at the office.
Dilu: 我想应该是早上她刚到公司的时候。
John: She thought she was the first one to the office, but ...
Dilu: 对。这个女孩儿她说:你怎么睡在这里?吓了我一跳。
John: 怎么睡在这里? So 'sleep here'. But I want to ask you something. Normally don;t you want to put the 在 and then a place before the verb? Could you say '你怎么在这里睡在这里?'

February 26, 2013, 02:50 AM2:00-2:30

Dilu: 这个听上去有一点不自然,但是也没有错。你可以说:你怎么在这里睡觉?
John: OK.
Dilu: 当然这个说法-你怎么睡在这里-听上去更加的自然。
John: So I guess 睡 is one of those exceptional words where you can put the 在 after it.
Dilu: 对。
John: Its not the normal pattern though. OK. And then what did she say at the end?
Dilu: 吓了我一跳。吓了我一跳。

February 26, 2013, 02:56 AM2:30-3:00

John: That just means 'you scared me'. 'You scared me a jump'.
Dilu: 对。但是不要太担心它的literal的意思。把这个[ji quan??]一个chunk。
John: So this is really common. You might think that 吓了我 is enough, but typically you say this whole phrase.
Dilu: 对。要说吓了我一跳。吓了我一跳。
John: Or possibly 吓死我了。
Dilu: 对,这个也可以。
John: Anyway, moving on, what did the guy say? Why is he there so early?

February 26, 2013, 04:43 AM3:00-3:30

D: 这个程序员他说: 昨晚加班加到半夜。加班加到半夜。
J: OK. So 加班 - it's two first tones - it means "to work overtime", right ?
D: 是的。而且他这个加班他加到半夜
J: So 加班 means "work over time" and then 加 that's like repeating the verb
D: 嗯
J: to the middle of the night, right ?
D: 对
J: 半夜 means middle of the night
D: 对。当然应该这个半夜也不是说 exactly twelve o'clock

February 28, 2013, 04:35 AM3:30-4:00

John: It could be 1, 2, whatever.
Dilu: 对。
John: OK. I want to ask you though, could we say 加班到半夜?
Dilu: 那当然你也可以说:加班到半夜。但是我们习惯说:加班加到半夜。
John: So repeating the 加 is a little more natural.
Dilu: 是的。
John: OK. So anyway he's saying he works until really late, so ...
Dilu: 懒得回去了。懒得回去了。
John: So 懒得 ... do something ... means ...

February 28, 2013, 04:40 AM4:00-4:30

Dilu: 他不是真的是lazy,他其实就是不想回去啊。
John: Just didn't feel like, didn't want to bother ...
Dilu: 对。
John: ... going home. OK, so then ...
Dilu: 所以呢,他,就在公司将就一下。在公司将就一下。
John: What does 将就 mean?
Dilu: 如果说有一些条件不是很好,有的时候你只能...只能将做了。
John: So its not an ideal situation, its not good conditions for sleeping or whatever, but you just have to do it that way because there's no other good choice.

February 28, 2013, 04:48 AM4:30-5:00

Dilu: 对。
John: So you'll make do with sleeping at the office.
Dilu: 有的时候我们在旅游的时候,也会有一些比较差的hotel,那也积压将就一下吧。
John: OK, its just one night.
Dilu: 对。
John: Got it. So why is he so busy that he had to work so late?
Dilu: 因为他们产品下周就要上线。
John: So the product next week has to go online.
February 26, 2013, 02:35 AM0:00-0:30