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The Scene of the Accident

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ID: 0542 Upper Intermediate
It is a dark and stormy night. You see a woman kneeling on asphalt, her tears staining a rusted hulk of twisted metal. A man stands to one side, head averted, face flushed. Sirens wail in the distance. This is a scene of desolation and despair. They are two people, alone in a hostile world. Desperately, terribly alone. Surrounded only by night, the rain, a circle of fifty bystanders and two street vendors hustling nut cakes and sugared-water. ChinesePod brings you to the Scene of the Accident, in Mandarin Chinese.
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
减速 jiǎnsù to slow down
右转向灯 yòu zhuǎnxiàngdēng right turn signal
助动车 zhùdòngchē hybrid bike-motorbike
直行 zhíxíng to go straight
我开到路口的时候是绿灯,不过我还是减速、打右转向灯。没想到,一辆助动车冲出来。她是直行,速度比较快。我马上刹车,可是还是撞了。我记得撞车的时候她没摔下来,但是等我下车,她就一屁股坐在地上,又哭又闹,说我把她撞伤了。明明是她闯红灯,违反交通规则,还要赖在我身上 。我当时转弯的时候速度只有二三十公里,根本不可能撞倒她。
wǒ kāi dào lùkǒu de shíhou shì lǜdēng ,bùguò wǒ háishi jiǎnsù 、dǎ yòu zhuǎnxiàngdēng 。méi xiǎngdào ,yī liàng zhùdòngchē chōng chūlai 。tā shì zhíxíng ,sùdù bǐjiào kuài 。wǒ mǎshàng shāchē ,kěshì háishi zhuàng le 。wǒ jìde zhuàngchē de shíhou tā méi shuāi xiàlai ,dànshì děng wǒ xiàchē ,tā jiù yī pìgu zuò zài dì shàng ,yòu kū yòu nào ,shuō wǒ bǎ tā zhuàng shāng le 。míngmíng shì tā chuǎng hóngdēng ,wéifǎn jiāotōng guīzé ,hái yào lài zài wǒ shēnshang 。wǒ dāngshí zhuǎnwān de shíhou sùdù zhǐ yǒu èr sān shí gōnglǐ ,gēnběn bù kěnéng zhuàngdǎo tā 。
When I drove up to the intersection the light was green, but I still slowed down, and put on my right turn blinker. I never thought an electric bike would come out of nowhere. She was going straight, at a rather high speed. I braked immediately, but I still hit her. I remember when I hit her bike she didn't fall off, but after I got out of my car, she set her butt right on the ground, crying and making a fuss, saying I injured her. She's clearly the one that ran a red light, breaking the law, and now she wants to pin it on me. At the time I was turning, my speed was only 20 or 30 kilometers per hour. There's no way I could have knocked her over.
wǒ dāngshí qí zhùdòngchē zhíxíng 。yào chuān mǎlù de shíhou ,wǒ zǐxì kàn guo ,lǜdēng gāng biànchéng huángdēng ,dāngshí zài wǒ qiánmian de chē dōu guòqù le 。wǒ yě jiāsù chōng guòqu ,érqiě hái yīzhí àn lǎba 。méi xiǎngdào yī liàng Àodí yòuzhuǎn ,sùdù fēikuài 。tā gēnběn méi jiǎnsù ,fǎnér shì jiāsù 。wǒ yīdiǎn dū láibují fǎnyìng ,jiù zhuàng shàngqu le 。tā zhème kuài de chēsù ,yòu shì zhème dà de chē ,wǒ yīxiàzi jiù lián rén dài chē shuāi dào dì shàng le 。
I was riding my electric bike, going straight. When I needed to cross the street I looked carefully, and the green light had just turned yellow. The cars in front of me all went ahead. I also sped up to go through, and I was continuously blowing my horn. I never imagined an Audi would make a right turn, and at a blinding speed. He never slowed down -- he sped up. I had no time at all to react, and I ran into him. He was going so fast, and it was such a big car, that I was immediately thrown to the ground along with my bike.
chūshì de shíhou wǒ jiù zhànzài lùkǒu ,kàn de yīqīngèrchǔ 。dāngshí yī liàng xiǎojiàochē yòu zhuǎnwān ,méiyǒu àn lǎba ,“wū ”de yīxià jiù zhuǎn le 。shéi xiǎode yī liàng zhùdòngchē yě kāi guòlai ,sùdù yě hěn kuài 。tāmen jiù zhuàngshàng le 。wǒ dì yī cì kànjiàn zhuàngchē ,xīnlǐ pà de hěn 。wǒ xiǎng zhèxià huài le ,kěnéng zhuàngsǐ rén le 。wǒ gǎnkuài pǎo guòqu ,kàndào nàge qíchē de xiǎo gūniang shuāi zài dì shàng ,hái hǎo rén méishì 。kāi chēzi de nánrén hòulái yě xiàlai le 。tāmen liǎng ge dōu kāi de kuài ,yìngpèngyìng jiù zhuàng le 。
When the accident happened I was standing at the intersection, and I saw everything clear as day. A small car was turning right, didn't blow its horn, and ``whoosh" just made a turn. Who knew an electric bike would also drive up, and at a really high speed. They just hit each other. It was the first time I ever saw a car accident. I was scared out of my wits. I thought it must be bad, maybe someone died in the crash. I hurried right over and saw the girl on the bike had been knocked to the ground. Good thing she was OK. Then the man driving the car got out. They were both driving very fast, metal hit metal, and it was a crash.
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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