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Introducing Hotels

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Brief Lesson Summaries
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ID: 0174 Intermediate
With only a single letter difference between “hotel” and “hostel,” a lesson in Mandarin Chinese on where you lay that head of yours whilst on the road might come in handy, lest you find yourself trying to decide on where to use that spare change (snack machine or vibrating bed). In this podcast you will learn useful terms in Mandarin Chinese to aid you in finding a desirable (or less than, depending on your price range) place to stay.
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
预算 yùsuàn budget
方便 fāngbiàn convenient
设施 shèshī facilities
位置 wèizhi location
wǒ xiàxīngqī yào qù Zhōngguó 。Zhōngguó de jiǔdiàn guì ma ?
I am going to China next week. Are the hotels there expensive?
nà yào kàn nǐ qù nǎli 。dàchéngshì ,bǐrú Běijīng hé Shànghǎi bǐjiào guì 。nǐ de yùsuàn shì duōshǎo ?
That depends on where you are going. Big cities like Beijing and Shanghai are more expensive. What is your budget?
wǒ huì qù Shànghǎi hé Hǎinán 。wǒ xiǎng zhù chàbuduō wǔshí měijīn yī wǎn de 。yào gānjìng ,chūrù fāngbiàn ,zuìhǎo hái néng shàngwǎng 。
I am going to Shanghai and Hainan. I want to spend about 50 dollars per night. The hotel has to be clean and conveniently located. It would be great if they also have internet connection.
50美金在上海能住市中心三星级的酒店。海南的酒店现在很便宜,因为是淡季。50美金可以住四星级, 甚至五星级的酒店。不过住不了海景房。
wǔshí měijīn zài Shànghǎi néng zhù shìzhōngxīn sānxīngjí de jiǔdiàn 。Hǎinán de jiǔdiàn xiànzài hěn piányi ,yīnwèi shì dànjì 。wǔshí měijīn kěyǐ zhù sìxīngjí , shènzhì wǔxīngjí de jiǔdiàn 。bùguò zhùbùliǎo hǎijǐng fáng 。
50 dollars can get you into a 3-star hotel in downtown Shanghai. It's very cheap to stay in a hotel in Hainan now because it's the off season. 50 dollars can get you a 4 or even 5-star hotel. But you won't get a room with an ocean view.
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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