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Discussing Internet Marketing and Sales (Part 1)
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ID: 2109 Upper Intermediate
Pop up ads are the bane of any web surfers existence. However, what are companies supposed to do to reach their clients? In this lesson, listen as two car company executives discuss the direction for their company in 2013, and what sales and marketing options are open to them in the internet age. Get ready to brush up on your Chinese sales and marketing speak!
Thu Jan 24 2013 | John, Dilu
Awesome Materials
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Detailed Vocabulary
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Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
畅所欲言 | chàngsuǒyùyán | to speak freely | |
集中 | jízhōng | to concentrate | |
网络营销 | wǎngluòyíngxiāo | online sales | |
购买人群 | gòumǎirénqún | sales group |
gèwèi tóngrén ,èrlíngyīèrnián wǒmen gōngsī de yèjì fēicháng bùcuò 。èrlíngyīsānnián wǒmen shìchǎng bù yào jìxù nǔlì ,yào yǒu gèng chūsè de chéngjì 。suǒyǐ zhè zhōu huìyì ,wǒmen yào tǎolùn yīxià míngnián de gōngzuò fāngxiàng ,qǐng dàjiā chàngsuǒyùyán 。
Fellow colleagues, in 2012 our company's achievements were really great. In 2013 our sales department will continue to work hard and will have even more outstanding results. So at this week's meeting, we need to discuss next year's goals. Everyone is invited to share their thoughts.
Wáng Zǒng ,xiànzài wǎngluò nàme fādá ,wǒ juéde wǒmen míngnián de yíngxiāo fāngxiàng yīnggāi jízhōng zài wǎngluòyíngxiāo zhè kuàir 。
Director Wang, the internet is so developed now. I think our sales goal for next year should be to concentrate in the area of online sales.
ò ,XiǎoYáng ,nǐ shuō shuō kàn nǐ de yìjiàn 。
Oh, Xiao Yang, please explain your thoughts.
wǒmen de chǎnpǐn shì qìchē ,gòumǎirénqún tōngcháng jízhōng zài èrshíwǔsuì zhì sānshíwǔ suì zhè ge qúntǐ ,yǐ nánxìng jūduō 。ànzhào xiànzài de qūshì láikàn ,zhè ge qúntǐ kàn chuántǒng méitī de rénshù shì yuèláiyuèshǎo le 。xiànzài rúguǒ zuò ge diàochá ,yǒu duōshao rén hái huì huā yī xiǎoshí yǐshàng kàn diànshì ?
Our products are cars. Our customers are concentrated in the 25 to 35 year old age group and the majority are men. According to current trends, the number of people in this age group who read traditional media is growing fewer and fewer. If a survey were taken now, how many people still spend an hour or more watching TV?
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary
directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also
listen to each sentence as an individual recording to
improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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