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Direction Words: 向, 朝, and 往

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ID: 7432 Intermediate
Direction Words: 向 (xiàng), 朝 (cháo), 往 (wǎng).   In this lesson, User john658186522 asked for a more in-depth look at the difference between 向 and 往 and 朝 which can mean towards/facing etc in English. These "direction" words can be tricky in Chinese, as sometimes they can be interchanged, but not always, so it's best to understand which to use in which context. This is an updated video lesson of a previous audio lesson that can be found here, (QW0380).
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
xiàng 、cháo 、wǎng ”dōu gēn fāngxiàng yǒuguān ,dānchún de zhǐchū fāngxiàng de shíhou ,yòngfǎ xiāngtóng ,dànshì dāpèi bùtóng de dòngzuò gàiniàn de shíhou ,jiù huì yǒu wēixiǎo de chābié le 。
Xiang4, chao2 and wang3 are all related to "direction". If you are simply using them when giving directions, the usage is the same. However, when paired with different actions, differences begin to emerge.
xiàng 、wǎng fāngxiàng dòngcí :kǒuyǔ chángyòng ,yòngfǎ xiāngtóng 。
Xiang4 or wang3 direction verb : common in spoken Chinese, same usage.
xiàng zuǒzhuǎn 、xiàng yòu zhuǎn 、xiàngqián zǒu 、xiànghòu kàn ;wǎng zuǒzhuǎn 、wǎng yòu zhuǎn 、wǎng qián zǒu 、wǎnghòu kàn
Turn left, turn right, walk forward, look back.
N1 xiàng N2 dòngcí :dāpèi “nèixiàng xìng ”dòngcí ,bǐrú ,mǎi 、jiè 、xué 、shōu 、yào . . . děngdeng 。
First noun xiang4 second noun verb: When coupled with an "inward" verb, such as, to buy, to borrow, to learn, to receive, to want...etc.
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