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ID: 1595 Advanced
经常听人说,法国人浪漫,德国人严谨,美国人开放......真的吗?你来自哪里,就一定会有哪里的特色吗?不管这种说法对错,是否科学,反正人们总是这样得出一个人的第一印象。今天我们来说一个让人又爱又恨的城市吧。给你三个提示:1.有钱 2.天生会做生意 3.爱炒房。怎么样?猜到了吗?
Thu Jan 27 2011 | Connie, David
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese
in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a
podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues,
Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the
lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with
definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You
will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance.
Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
讨老婆 | tǎo lǎopó | to marry a woman | |
福气 | fúqì | good luck | |
吃软饭 | chī ruǎnfàn | to live off of a rich woman | |
嘴巴毒 | zuǐba dú | to speak with a sharp tongue |
āi ,tīngshuō Xiǎo Xú tǎo le gè Wēnzhōu lǎopó 。
Hey, I heard Xiao Xu got himself a wife from Wenzhou.
wā ,zhè xiǎozi zhēn yǒu fúqì !Wēnzhōurén kěshì chū le míng de huì zuò shēngyì 。kànlai yǐhòu tā yě yòngbuzháo zhème xīnkǔ shàngbān le ,zài jiā chī chī ruǎnfàn dōu bǐ wǒmen qiáng 。
Wow, what a lucky guy! Wenzhounese are famous for being good at doing business. It looks like he won't be working too hard in the future - sitting around at home, living off his wife, he'll still be doing better than us.
nǐ zuǐbā yě tài dú le ba 。xiǎoxīn bèi Xiǎo Xú tīngjiàn 。
Don't be so hurtful. Xiao Xu might hear you.
tā xiànzài lǒu zhe měinǚ ,zhù zhe háozhái ,yào yǒu duō kuàihuo jiù yǒu duō kuàihuo 。nǎ hái gùdeshàng tīng wǒmen shuōhuà ?
He's got a beautiful wife, a luxurious home - he's as happy as can be. You think he cares what we say?
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary
directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also
listen to each sentence as an individual recording to
improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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