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Here at ChinesePod, all our lessons are presented in an entertaining manner by our great hosts. You'll find language learners, teachers, and even professors sharing their insights, ideas, and teaching methods in our video and audio lessons.
Brief Lesson Summaries
A brief introduction of the lesson will always tell you what this lesson is about and what language level is the intended target. If you're interested in the subject, but might not be able to understand it in full, fear not; we have transcripts of lesson dialogues vocabulary so you can follow along.
ID: 0412 Advanced
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
有所不知 yǒusuǒbùzhī there is something one doesn't know
谋略 móulǜe strategy
要素 yàosù key factor
出奇制胜 chūqízhìshèng to prevail by a surprise move
āi !xiànzài de shāngyè jìngzhēng shízài shì tài jīliè le 。yǐhòu kě jiào wǒmen zěnme zhèngqián yā ?
These days business competition is so intense! How will we be able to make any money?
kě bùshì ma ,yāoxiǎng zài shāngchǎng shàng zhànshèng duìshǒu zhuàn dàqián ,bùjǐn yào yǒu yǒng ,gèng děi yǒu móu cái xíng ,suǒyǐ wǒ zuìjìn zhèng yánjiū 《sūnzǐbīngfǎ 》ne 。
Ain't it the truth. If you want to beat your opponents in the marketplace and make a lot of money, it's not enough to be bold. You've gotta have some schemes. So I've been studying Sunzi's ``The Art of War" lately.
sūnzǐbīngfǎ 》,nà bù shì Zhōngguó gǔdài de bīngshū ma ?nǐ yòu bù dǎzhàng kàn tā gànma ?
Isn't ``The Art of War" an ancient Chinese book on military strategy? You're not a soldier-- why are you reading that?
zhè nǐ jiù yǒusuǒbùzhī le 。“shāngchǎng rú zhànchǎng ”,jūnshì móulüè yě kěyǐ yùnyòngdào shāngzhàn zhōng 。shìshíshàng ,xiànzài guónèiwài de xǔduō qǐyèjiā dōu bǎ 《sūnzǐbīngfǎ 》dàngzuò shāngyè jiàokēshū lái xuéxí ne 。
You don't get it. ``The field of commerce is like a field of battle." You can use military strategies in the business world. A lot of domestic and foreign companies are using ``The Art of War" as a textbook for doing business.
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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