User Comments - zhuang1lei3

Posted on: Annual Meeting
January 14, 2013, 06:49 PMNǐhào zài,
What is the difference between kěyǐ and néng? Also is there a difference between dìng booked and dìng hǎo?
Posted on: Annual Meeting
January 14, 2013, 06:26 PMDa1jia hao3,
A bunch of years ago I attended the company party at Octoberfest in Munich. It is the custom for every company to take their employees to the fest and host them. It was great fun, every once and a while everyone at the table would sick this particular (obviously) German song which ended in a toast of your one liter beer mug.
Posted on: Annual Meeting
January 15, 2013, 01:01 PMXièxie mafanni. I thought that was the case with kěyǐ and níng. It seems that hǎo gets put onto a lot of verbs that way.