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Posted on: Instant Noodles
December 08, 2010, 01:42 AM

We've learned the following two words in this lesson:

泡面 instant noodle

To buy a packet of instant noodle 买一包泡面
South Korea's instant noodle 韩国泡面

随便 as one wishes, feel free

Please feel free to take a look around. 请随便看一下
I just said. 我随便一说

In 面 and 便, there are finals "ian". ian is pronounced like "yen".

Posted on: 职场性别歧视
November 28, 2010, 08:41 PM

没用,除了有没有用途之外,还有没有影响,或者不会有什么变化。It means "It doesn't matter" or "It doesn't change anything. " 所以,不平衡也没用。full sentence is:


Even if you didn't feel it fair, it doesn't matter. or

Even if you didn't feel it fair, it doesn't change anything.

Hope it answers your questions.

Posted on: 职场性别歧视
November 26, 2010, 09:47 PM

Actually the full sentence for this one is:


即使……也 Even if...

Therefore, it can be used with adjective with the subject omitted. Of course it can be used with verb like these:

即使他来了也没用。(Even if he came, it wouldn't matter. )

Or omitting the subject and 即使, under some certain dialogue context, the sentence still would stand correct:

A: 他很快就要来了。He is coming soon.

B: 来了也没用。= 即使他来了也没用。

Of course, 即使……也has a much wider use than 也没用。Here are some examples:

即使你不来,我也要去。(Even if you didn't come, I would go anyway. )

即使全世界都背叛了你,我也会支持你。(Even if the whole world turned against you, I would be on your side.)

For non advanced learners, I would suggest using the full sentences, not omitting much. When get familiar with the sentences structure, you can then omitting a lot of things of a sentence but still making it understandable. Hope these help.

Posted on: What does she look like?
November 22, 2010, 07:12 PM

Yes, xiao_liang, actually there are a lot more cases like this in Chinese:

当 dāng, become or take the job of

他当兵了。He became a soldier.

他当上班长了。He became the class monitor.

当 dàng, trap or trick or even pawnshop

上当: be tricked

当铺: pawnshop

Sometimes the same character with the same pronunciation can even mean completely different things:

包 bāo



There is a very funny saying in Chinese:


eating dumpling would assure you full. Here in one sentence, the first 包 means dumpling and the second means assure. Just for your reference and for fun. :)

Posted on: Firing Someone
November 18, 2010, 04:09 PM

Do you understand the words "加薪" and "炒鱿鱼" now?

1. 加薪(jiāxīn) salary raise

I got a salary raise. 我加薪了。

They asked the boss for a rise. 他们请求老板给加薪。

In "加", there's the initial "j", "j" is pronounced like j as in "jeep", with the tongue forward. 

2. 炒鱿鱼(chǎo yóu yú) fire sb

My boss fired me and my wife asked for a divorce. 老板炒我鱿鱼,太太又吵着要离婚。

One of the workers was fired for drunkenness. 一名工人因醉酒而被炒鱿鱼。

In "鱿" and "鱼", "y" is pronounced like "y" as in "yes"; except that the syllable "yi" is pronounced like "ee" as in "bee".

Posted on: Getting the Correct Change
November 15, 2010, 10:24 AM

You are right. There is no such saying 我认你了 as for I recognize you. In very special context, you can say that but very different meaning.

If you want to say I recognize you!, it would be:

我认出你了。( I recognize you!)

我认识你。(I know you!)

Posted on: Chinese Fruits
November 15, 2010, 05:57 AM

Elementary: Chinese Fruits

1.Do you know how to say "fruit" in Chinese?
Bananas are tropical fruit. 香蕉是热带水果。
Would you like some fruit salad? 要水果色拉吗?

2. The following word is useful too.
This fish eats well. 这鱼好吃。
What delicious food!  真好吃。

In "甜" and "酸" there are "t" and "s", "t" is pronounced like "t" as in "ten", but is accompanied by a stronger puff of air than in
English, while "s" is pronounced like "s" as in "sand", but is pronounced more strongly than in English.

Posted on: Getting the Correct Change
November 12, 2010, 01:23 AM

The structure, verb+错+noun,错 is like a negative function (as 不,没有)therefore if verb+错+noun exists, then the same verb+noun must exist.

做事 -->做错事 (do stuff, do wrong stuff)

做人 -->做好人

认人 -->认错人 (recognize someone, recognize someone mistakenly)

认你 doesn't make any sense at all, that's why it is not 认错你

However, 看错你 exists, it means I judge you mistakenly

Posted on: 春捂秋冻
November 04, 2010, 05:47 PM

Hello Richnirish, The difficulty with this word is yu. To get this one right, please try to pronounce ee, then change your mouth shape to the one like you're whistling (only the shape not how you pronounce). Then you should get a proper yu. Then you added an en at the end so that you should get it right.