User Comments - wolterman

Posted on: Turn in Your Homework
February 06, 2011, 07:02 AMAlready been answered, but I used to always use 功课 to mean homework, as it was what I was taught in class.
But, my Nanjingese roommate/tutor (I'm quite lucky to have her!) would always correct me--she wanted me to say "作业" instead. She says 功课 is what her grandfather would say in reference to homework and not popular in usage with younger people.
Posted on: Rhetorical Question Marker 难道
January 02, 2010, 05:44 AMYes, I was very excited about this lesson when I saw it pop up in my feed. My Chinese class is very sassy, and since we are all just beginners, I'll be able to use "难道你们不知道’难道‘吗?“ for double-sass points.
Posted on: Baby Talk: Friends Song
November 20, 2009, 07:59 AMI loved this lesson; I got to impress my Chinese teacher by being able to sing it. Unfortunately, some less cool people in my class were scrooges and said it was "baby stuff" (they're right, after all) but it's adorable and they are just jealous because they cannot sing it.
Posted on: Executive Plan, Newbie Changes, and More
November 15, 2009, 07:50 AMPersonally, as a newbie newbie (both new to the site and just beginning my studies in Chinese) I feel that slowing down the amount of lessons produced on the newbie level will be beneficial! I think I'll be able to make a little bit more of a dent in the lessons I've archived so far without new content coming in. I'm not far enough along in my studies to suggest any new content, however.
Also, as a newbie, I think that more tests (and from other updates, I've heard these are coming) will help. I do my flashcards and I love the exercises but having tests that cover the lessons I've archived so far would be cool so I can ensure I'm soaking up the content rather than just hitting the "studied" button.
Thanks so much for this service!
Posted on: Old China Hand
April 07, 2011, 11:57 PMHah, the conversation has already moved past this but I was once complemented on my French skills and I couldn't understand the speaker very well due to his non-Parisian accent/my own inexperience with the language. Imagine how perplexed he was. . . and how embarrassed I was when my brain finally caught up! Yikes. :(