User Comments - wangaimei

Posted on: Wheelchair Access to the Great Wall
February 10, 2012, 04:36 PMeven now, people often forego the word 'disabled' and use 'differently abled' instead. I wonder if there is any end in sight to all this PC mumbo jumbo. It's one thing to be sensitive to others, but constantly having to walk on eggshells trying to figure out what is the most politically correct way to say something is a bit much.
Posted on: Asking for Sick Leave
February 10, 2012, 03:42 PMAt my company (in the US) you can take one sick day off without a doctor's note, but if you are out for more than one day you have to get a doctor's note. We are quite strict about this. No exceptions. If you don't bring a doctor's note after the first day, you won't be allowed to return to work.
Posted on: Restaurant Recommendation
January 17, 2012, 03:42 PMmapo dofu is the best!!!
Posted on: Popular Slang from 2011
January 17, 2012, 02:47 PMAnyone have those links that were mentioned in the podcast?
Posted on: ChinesePod Hall of Famers
January 12, 2012, 04:39 PMHow sweet. and how fun, I am in Massachusetts too! :)
Posted on: Getting to the Office
January 12, 2012, 02:09 PMGranted the jump from Elementary to Intermediate is difficult, however, if you're saying most Elementary lessons are too easy, you're clearly ready for the challenge. Just jump in, spend a little more time with them, and when you get frustrated, remind yourself that Elementary is too easy for you so this challenge in Intermediate is just what you wanted.
Posted on: How to be Negative
December 28, 2011, 04:18 PMIsn't that the way qing wen always is? Just think of it as an oportunity to practice your listening skills without a crutch. :)
Posted on: An Improved Understanding of Improve
December 17, 2011, 02:13 AMWow, I've been trying to get on the site for hours. Finally got in. Did a server go down?
Posted on: Red Envelopes During the Spring Festival
December 14, 2011, 03:32 PMI live in the United States and teach a small group of about 8 Chinese kids once a week. I would like to give them hong bao for Spring Festival. Do you think it would be strange of me (as an American) to do so? Also, what is the appropriate amount $US to put in each envelope?
Posted on: A Simple Tour of the Office
February 14, 2012, 09:14 PMSo is saying, 請問洗手間在哪裡? the polite way of asking where the bathroom/toilet is?