User Comments - peterning11

Posted on: All About the Lesson Content
June 23, 2011, 02:58 AMHi jenpearce, can you tell me which Mac internet browser you are using? There might be some compatibility issue with your internet browser. I would recommending try using Firefox on your Mac to see if the problem is resolve.
Posted on: iPhone vs Android
June 15, 2011, 07:12 AMHi cowenparkseattle, your ChinesePod Android App lessons list should correspond to the lessons in your dashboard/manage lessons lessons list. I would recommend logging out of your ChinesePod Android App. Clear your Android browser cookie and cache, then log in again. Please email us at if you are still unable to retrieve your lessons.
Posted on: Taking the Train to Beijing
May 23, 2011, 04:34 AMCan you tell me if you see any error message while skritter is loading? Which internet browser are you using?
Posted on: A Notification Notification, and Other Happenings
May 16, 2011, 03:19 AMOur users will now receive all newly published lessons regardless of the lesson level/shows you are subscribe to. You can turn off your lesson notification setting by going to your profile page then click on the "Notifications" link.
Posted on: Checking into a Hotel
May 10, 2011, 05:46 AMHi tuckvoon, can you clarify your inquiry? What do you mean by scrool to a character+translation "dialogue description"? The text of the lesson is under the lyrics section of each MP3 file. It includes the Chinese character, pinyin and English translation of the sentence. What "dialogue description" are you referring to?
Posted on: Business Cards
May 03, 2011, 08:03 AMHi kglassey, I see that the lesson Business Cards has been "marked as studied" in your lessons list. All studied lessons are removed from your RSS feed lessons list. Only the first 100 lessons in your "All Active" lessons list are in your personal RSS feed.
Posted on: Transferring Money
April 29, 2011, 07:53 AMHi joycedimaculangan, I would recommend downloading the lesson mp3 directly onto your computer to listen to instead of listening to it via our web audio player.
Posted on: Stealing a Nose
March 10, 2011, 08:41 AMHi, we do not have this feature on our website. I will suggest this feature to our product development team. They are responsible for implementing website features and functionalities.
Posted on: Learning about Levels
March 08, 2011, 02:24 AMHi, thank you for notifying us of this error. Our tech team will fix this link shortly. Meanwhile, you can browse our lesson archive at where you will find all of our lessons ranging from Newbie to Advanced.
Posted on: What's That Website?
September 01, 2011, 02:15 AMThis lesson should of been automatically added to your dashboard. Please let us know via email at if you are encountering this problem for future lessons.