User Comments - kiriwai

Posted on: Where Are the Seat Belts?
June 10, 2012, 05:47 AMYep, vocab is as Jerryrock says, otherwise another great lesson - as always - using practical high frequency words along with introducing new, valuable, daily life words. Clear delivery, no superfluous dialogue, at the same time memorable. And the grammar section is much appreciated, addng another valuable dimension to the lesson, another focus point. Thanks CP.
Posted on: Eating Idioms, Part 1
March 25, 2011, 08:44 AMWhat a pleasure to laugh out loud during a lesson at witty remarks. And so valuable, cause it helps the lessons stick, thanks.
Posted on: Chinatown Diary
January 14, 2011, 12:38 AMi noticed that renao 热闹 and jie shang 街上 both nao and shang did not have tones. Are they both neutral or is it just a typo?
Posted on: Toothache
November 29, 2010, 05:23 AMThank you so much!!! That was really valuable because I not only learnt about 疼痛 but also how to more effectively use this site to study. zhenlijiang非常感谢
Posted on: Toothache
November 27, 2010, 12:09 AMThanks for explanation and can you please explain teng (2nd tone) 疼 pain/ache and tong (4th tone) 痛 also pain ache?
Posted on: Toothache
November 26, 2010, 09:55 AMand why ba 拔 not la 拉?having so many options sure is xiaren 吓人 !!
Posted on: Toothache
November 26, 2010, 09:46 AMCan you please explain the difference between teng (2nd tone) 疼 pain/ache and tong (4th tone) 痛 also pain ache? (hope i got characters right) I also wanted to add, i've had experiences in both clinic and hospital. Both very good but the hosp staff, like so many countries, are over worked and rushed whereas private clinics can give more time. Also happy to say I have had excellent care (not just dentistry) in Chinese hospitals (small town) far better than i have received in the many countries I have lived in. In fact, prefer China.
Posted on: Waiting for Food
March 20, 2010, 07:24 AMI've signed up for a 7 day trial and I am hooked already. Excellent learning tool - thanks Chinesepod team. Trouble is, i do not have xjis.nls installed on my laptop nor do I have my discs with me to install (away from home for some weeks yet) so cannot see characters. Has anyone got a fooproof and easy way for me to achieve this, asap? I want to see the characters now, while i can play and to be assured before signing up that it will in fact work for me. I'm looking forward to joining a great system (and crowd).
Posted on: I'm gonna be Late
June 11, 2012, 11:56 AMThis is an adult learning environment teaching real language. On the scale of offensive 'pissed' doesn't even register. BTW in NZ it means drunk.